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A/N : what hattnin fam. I'm Kait's cousin, Jai, writin' this chapter. Y'all should check out my story "The Party That Started It All" if you like Jack G and "Fourteen" if you like Hayes Grier at jainaners. Thanks y'all, enjoy.

//Ava's POV\\
We decided to walk to a local Starbucks down the street.

"So Dallas girl, huh?" Johnson stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Eh," I shrug.

" 'Eh?' Aren't you guys, like, dating?" He asks.

"Nope. I wish." I smile shyly.

"Ha, you guys are cute together," he shrugs.

"How about you? You like anyone?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Fans are cute," is all he says.

Yes, because that definitely answers my question.

We reach Starbucks and I order my usual, a vanilla bean frap with extra caramel sauce. Johnson gets the same thing and I take out my money.

"Oh no. I insist," Johnson pulls out his money.

"No, I'll pay for mine," I push.

"But, Ms. Divine, a man must always pay for the lady." He bows and hands the cashier his money.

"You're a dork." I laugh as we take a seat.

"Tell that to the rapper part of me." He smiles.

"You're adorable," I state.

He looks down at his hands. "Well, girls don't really like that. They always shoot for Gilinsky's 'hotness.' I guess 'adorable just doesn't cut it. You need a hard ass jaw line to cut it. Fine abs. Toned biceps. Me? I'm a pale white boy with barely anything..." (A/N: I DIDNT REALLY MEAN THAT I LOVE JOHNSON OK IM JUST DOING THIS FOR SOME HUMPH).

I gasp. "I like you way better than Gilinsky, to be honest. By the way, don't tell him I said that.

He smiles at me. "Thanks Aves."

Our names get called and we both get up.

"There you are, young one." He hands me a straw.

"Jack, I'm older than you, you dingus." I laugh and ruffle his hair. He laughs along and squints his eyes.

"According to my studies, I'm more mature!" He exclaims in a super high pitched nerd voice.

We continue walking back to the hotel in silence, sipping on our drinks from time to time.

Suddenly, I feel my foot get caught on a crack and I lunge forward.

"FUDGE!" I yell as I almost fall to the ground.

Johnson bursts into laughter and chokes on his drink.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"You t-tripped on nothing!" He laughs out.

"There was a crack!" I explain and point to the spot.

"Aves, that's nothing." He looks all over the ground, looking for evidence of any disturbed pavement. "I don't see anything."

"Whatever." I turn red from embarrassment. I turn around.

"Hey is that Cam?" Johnson points nervously at a couple a little in front of us.

I see the guy turn his head a little to face the girl and my heart shatters...

It was Cameron Alexander Dallas...

Tears start to brim my eyes as he kisses her cheek and smiles. They continue walking in front of us.

"C'mon Aves. Let's get back to the hotel." Johnson grabs my hand and pulls me along, taking me out of my trance.

"I thought he actually liked me..." I whisper as we enter the hotel.

"Hey, you talked!" Johnson smiles. I haven't talked for about ten minutes.

"Not now," I mutter as we get in the elevator.

"Want me to stay with you?" Johnson asks as we reach my room.

"Yeah," was all I said.

I sit down on my bed and so does Johnson. I break down into tears and Jack brings me into his arms and I cry into his chest.

"Shhh, it's ok. Let it all out." Johnson strokes my hair.

I hear the door that connects to Nash, Cam, and Hayes' room burst open.

"Hey! We were wondering if you-oh... Never mind? Maybe later?" CJ starts but stops as she sees my tear stained face look up at her.

"Oh God! What happened?! WHO DO I NEED TO CUT?!" She exclaims. Hayes grabs her hand. (A/N: I'm CJ! YAAAYYYY!)

"Not now," he whispers in her ear.

"I'll explain later." I smile as she walks out.

"Imma cut a bitch," she mutters before heading out.



Follow Ava on social media:
Twitter: @aavalondivine
Instagram: @avalondivine

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