Chapter 22 | Selfie Stick

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// Ava's POV \\

"Bye, Cam!" I say as he walks out the hotel door. Cam said he was going to take a walk to get rid of all the stress.
I was gonna hang out with CJ today. We were gonna Vlog our "adventures in New York."
I walk down the hall to CJ, Matt, and Hayes' room and openly walk in because if they were to be doing something private they might as well be doing it in the bathroom.
Matt and Hayes were on their phones.
"Hey, Matt. Hayes," I say Hayes' name like it's poisonous.
"Ew, it's Ava," Hayes says, not even looking up from his phone.
I roll my eyes and sit next to Matt on his bed.
"Where's CJ?" I ask Hayes.
"Bathroom," he answers.
"So, Espinoodles, have you met any pretty girls lately?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.
"I see girls of all creation everyday, but I haven't met that one girl yet," Matt says.
"Didn't you and Bobby have a thing or something?" I ask, remembering them being cute together and stuff.
Matt shrugs. "She just kinda slipped away."
"You shouldn't let those kinds of people just fade away like that, Matt. You have to keep them close," I say.
"Woah, no need to get all deep and inspirational now, Ava," Hayes says.
"That kind of enthusiasm isn't gonna get you a follow on Twitter," I roll my eyes.
"I should have a Cashew day today," Matt says.
"MY FAVORITE SHIP!" I smile. "But Cam went out today to breathe."
"Oh ok. Cashew is your favorite ship?" Matt chuckles.
"I like Cayes/Harter too, but I don't like Hayes." I frown at Hayes. "Maybe I'll decide to like him when he finally decides to ask out CJ like all of us have suggested."
Hayes turns a deep shade of red. "Shh, she might be listening!"
CJ bursts out of the bathroom. "And listening I was indeed." She laughs.
Hayes turns an even deeper red.
"Hayes, you wanna come with me and Ava?" CJ asks.
"With her?!" He asks making a disgusted face at me.
"You want that to come along?" I ask.
CJ shrugs. "Why do guys hate each other so much?"
I stare blankly at her and Hayes. "I don't know. He doesn't like me so I don't like him."
"What? I don't like you because you didn't like me!" Hayes exclaims.
"You didn't like me first!" I exclaim.
"You were born first!" Hayes shouts.
"Well, blame my parents for that!" I say.
"Guys shut the frick up!" CJ says.
Matt stands up. I literally forgot he was still here.
"You three are clearly having quite a great time, so I'm gonna go now." He leaves with his room key.

• • •

*at Times Square*
"Children, please keep near me so your parents don't sue me," I tell Hayes and CJ as we cross the street.
"Ok, mom," they roll their eyes.
"Hey, I seriously don't wanna lose you guys," I say.
"And I seriously don't care," Hayes crosses his arms over his chest.
Hayes huffs as we go into Forever 21.
I pay for it and then meet up with Cayes.
"I got a selfie stick, y'all," I say happily.
"You should test it out to see if there's anything wrong with it," CJ says.
I turn it on and put my phone into it and hand it to Hayes, since he is a giant, to take the picture.
It works fine.
Hayes takes my phone and examines the picture.
"I'm so hot," he says. He frowns.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
CJ takes my phone and looks at the picture. Her eyes go wide.
"What's wrong?" I ask again, in a more demanding voice.
"Bottom left corner," Hayes says, handing me my phone.
I zoom in. I grit my teeth together. I want to throw my phone at a wall and burn it.
"Freaking Cameron Alexander Dallas," I mutter.
My boyfriend. Well, now ex boyfriend (HAHAHHAHAH). Is making out with another girl in the corner of the store.
"Hold my stuff," I say giving my phone and bag to CJ.
I take my time and waltz over to Cam and this girl.
None of them even stop eating each other's faces when I reach them.
"Wow, Cameron. Wouldn't want Ava to see this now would you?" I spit sarcastically.
Cam pulls away instantly at the sound of my voice and whips around, facing me.
"Ava, no, this isn't wha-"
"Says every stupid cheater in the entire universe, idiot!" I exclaim, raising my voice. My heart feels like it's broken into dust.
"No, Ava please let me explain-"
The girl seems confused. "Cheating?! Cameron, who is this girl?!" The girl demands.
"I was his girlfriend. Up until now," I say, venom dripping from my words.
The girl turns to Cam and slaps him right across the face.
Someone ripped over my heart and yanked it out. Well what was left of the torn pieces.
All I let out is anger. I am not crying one more time over Cameron.
"FOUR WEEKS?! CAM, WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR LIKE FIVE WEEKS?! WHAT THE HELL, YOU FREAKING-" I stop right in the middle of my sentence and wall into the bathroom near us and just scream.
I walk out and the girl is gone.
One less problem.
Cam is in tears.
"I trusted you!" I say, my voice surprisingly calm now that I've let all my anger out when I was screaming in the bathroom. "Why was I so stupid?!"
Cam doesn't even say anything. He should know me well enough to know that it's best that he doesn't say anything.
I pretty much don't have a heart anymore.
"Why would you do this to me?" I croak, trying to hide all the shakiness from my voice. "WERE YOU EVER GOING TO TELL ME OR EVEN HER ABOUT THIS?!" I don't give a fudge about the scene I'm making right now.
Cam looks at me and just cries. Well, sobs.
One millionth of me wants to hug him and kiss him and comfort him.
But the other sane part of me wants to bitch out at him and slap him as hard as that girl.
"I HATE YOU!" I exclaim and walk away.
I walk back over to CJ and Hayes who look like they've just watched someone get shot.
"Let's go back to the hotel," I say, trying to keep as much sane as possible, when really, I've pretty much lost all my sanity.

ok so random note, all the guys, Ava, and Lox are 17, and Hayes and CJ are 14. I don't care what it says in the beginning or in earlier chapters (too lazy to edit; sue me), it'll all fit out later if they're all the same age.

I'm sorry this was a bad chapter.

For y'all that are still here, this chapter was originally called "Hayes" but Hayes has been being an idiot lately (ikr stupid reason to change it) and he literally just turned 15 do idk why he did all that crap with Maggie and started even more drama and frick.

More Than Friends (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon