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//Ava's POV\\

It took me half an hour to walk back to the hotel. It was hard because I was wearing flip flops.

I collapse onto my bed when I get to my room. My phone vibrates.


It was a text from CJ.

CJ: Ava, where are you?

Me: the hotel

CJ: ok just making sure. Cam stormed back into the restaurant and just sat down and didn't say a word. What happened?

Me: I don't wanna talk about it. It's kind of a tough subject.

CJ: that's cool. Ok I'll see you later, imma eat ma food rn.

Me: lol bye

I set my phone down on my bed. I've really had enough for today.

I hop in the shower, thinking it would relieve some of my stress.

I get out thirty minutes later (yes, I take that long. Deal with it.) and put on sweats, a grey camisole, and Cam's MAGcon sweatshirt.

Yes, I may be mad at him, but I'm not mad at his clothes.


Blah, blah, blah, it's already thirty minutes into the show and blah. I don't care it's not like any of this is new to me.

I'm in a worse mood than yesterday. Go ahead. Sue me.

Right now they're doing the Q & A. All the fans are just asking the usual: will you marry me, and all that crap.

One girl had to get me involved though. (Note the sarcasm.)

She asked me what was going on between me and Cam. Blame Cam for indirect tweeting me on Twitter this morning. On a related note, we haven't spoken to each other since our fight.

I sigh and take Nash's mic. "I'd love to say nothing, but I shouldn't lie to a fan. To start this whole thing, I was bored the other day and blah, blah, blah, so I went on a walk with Johnson-"

"I thought you liked Cam!" Someone yells.

"Me too," Cam agrees. I look at him but then quickly look away.

"Continuing on, on the way back to the hotel, Johnson pointed out this couple to me, and wow, you'll never believe who I saw! Cameron Alexander Dallas on a date with some girl," I say. "All in all, long story short, I thought Cam liked me but obviously he doesn't feel the same was about me as I do him." I'm not usually someone who would be so open, especially in front of so many people.

"Honestly I do like you, and I though you didn't feel the same way about me, so when I went on a date with Lexi, or 'that girl', I didn't know you would get hurt. I'm really sorry, Ava. Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you, and I never will," Cam says. I don't want to believe him, but he sounded so sincere like every word was true.

No matter how mad I ever was with Cam, I've never ever turned down his request to forgive him.

"I forgive you," I say to Cam with a small smile. "Now that you know how I really feel, promise you won't ever do anything like this again."

Cam brings me into a hug, tightly wrapping his arms around me. "I promise."

He kisses me forehead and I feel every single inch of me blush.

Maybe someday we will be more than friends.

Not just yet, but someday we just might...

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