CHAPTER 24 | Elevator

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I got into the elevator not realizing someone had also gotten in because I was on my phone.
I look up from my phone to Cam who is staring at the floor awkwardly.
I hit the lobby button and the elevator began to go down.
We were staying on floor 22 so it took a while to get down.
We went down past floor 14 and then the elevator stopped abruptly.
What the heck.
I pushed the open door button but nothing happened.
I waited for about a good thirty seconds and the elevator The  still didn't move.
I start to get a bit frantic.
What if we run out of air?! What if no one ever notices that the elevator is stuck?!
As soon as I pull my phone out to call someone for help, it dies. It freaking dies right when I need it.
Now I can only hope Cam has his phone.
I take a deep breath and turn around to face Cam.
"Cam, please tell me your phone isn't dead." I cross my fingers behind my back.
Cam checks all his pockets. His face pales.
That is not a good sign.
"You forgot your phone, didn't you?" I sigh.
He nods and bites the inside of his cheek. "I'm such an idiot."
Yes. Yes, you are.
I sigh in exasperation and run a hand through my hair and begin to pace the elevator.
"You're doing your stress thingy again," Cam says.
I give him a confused look.
He shrugs. "You always do that when you're stressed. Like run your hand through your hair and walk around and things like that."
I stop pacing and slide down the wall onto the ground and bury my head in my knees.
Why him. Why couldn't I be stuck with one of the other guys. Any except Cam. WHY.
I'm going to run out of oxygen and die. Without having a loving boyfriend, getting married, having kids, growing old with grandchildren, and dying of old age.
I'm going to die a lame death; I'm going to die with my ex inside a broken elevator.
I hit my head on the wall.
"Ava, you're overreacting. Everything's gonna be ok," Cam says.
"Lier," I say through my knees. "You told me that a while ago now look where we are now."
"I'm sorry."
"Well, sorry isn't good enough! Sorry is a stupid word that doesn't fix anything!" I exclaim.
"Then what am I supposed to do?!" Cam yells. I wince. I rarely seem him mad like this. "I know I screwed up to the point where you probably want to move to the other side of the world! What I did was fucking stupid, I know! I should've never have gotten together with Lana! I should have never ever even looked at any other girl when I had the greatest right in front of me." His voice quiets down. Tears brim his eyes. "I shouldn't of ever made you feel as if you weren't enough when you were more than all I ever wanted. All I ever needed."
Even though the words he said seemed like they were true, I know that if I ever got back together, he would just build me back up again and then knock everything I ever had down.
Falling in love and getting hurt is like getting back onto your bike after you fell off. Except this time when you fall again, you fall off down a rocky cliff. Onto some cacti. That are on fire.
I stand up and I open my mouth to say something, but the elevator starts to move again and we stop at floor 12 and a guy who looks about my age steps into the elevator.
He looks at me and smiles.
I smile back.
I see Cam tense up in the corner of my eye.
My heart gets filled with false hope seeing that he still gets jealous even though we've broken up.
As we get out of the elevator into the lobby, the guy sends me a wink. I blush and look down.
I walk towards the concierge service desk to tell them about the elevator but someone grabs my wrist and stops me.
I turn around expecting Cam.
Yep. Cameron.
"Ava," he says, his eyes full of sadness. He looked like a little kid who lost his mom in a crowded mall: about to sob and break down. "I don't know what I am without you."
Single.(Haha I have a sense of humor.)
I wanted to cry myself just looking at Cam. His bottom lip trembled.
"A-Ava," he says again. He tries to blink back his tears but instead they come tumbling down. He sniffles and tries to wipe away his tears but more continue to fall.
This broke my heart way more than anything bad that Cam's ever done.
I haven't seen him this sad since Chris.
But I won't give in. I can't. I'm tired of having my heart torn when there's no one there to put it back together.
I pull away from his grip as a single tear fell down my cheek as plenty fell down Cameron's.
I wipe my eyes furiously with the backs of my hands and walk over to the concierge service desk without even looking back. I can't stand to see Cam this sad, but I'm tired of all the hurt I get when I'm with him.
I walk up to the lady at the desk.
"Hello, miss, how may I help you?" She asks.
"Uh, I was in the elevator and it stopped for about ten minutes until it started working again. Do you think you could get someone to check it out?" I say.
"Most definitely. I'm glad that you told us. Our services wouldn't want anyone else getting into that kind of situation." She replies.
I nod and give her a small smile and turn around.
"Honey, wait," I hear her say.
I turn back around.
"I know this is none of my business but would you mind telling me about all that commotion you and that young man were creating earlier. Is he alright? He's still there crying. He's going to get kicked out if he doesn't get up." The lady points over to Cam who is sitting on the ground curled up and crying into his knees.
Aside from a few people and the employees, the lobby was pretty empty.
The few people in the room looked at Cameron like he was insane. Which he probably is being driven into.
"Oh, um. He's my ex boyfriend," I say quietly.
"He still loves you?" The lady asks.
I shrug. "He lied to me before. I don't know whether to believe him or not again."
The lady frowns. I peer at her name tag which reads "Karen."
I have a crop top from Kian that says "Karen is a receptionist name" on it.
"If he's that messed up about you, I think you oughta give him another go," Karen says.
"I'm not too sure about that, Karen." I look down at her desk. "But I'll take it under consideration."
"Just keep it in mind, sweetheart."
I smile at her one last time before turning around again.
There's a security dude pulling Cam up from the ground.
I run over to him and take Cam from him.
"Sir, please sit on our chairs next time," he says to Cameron. "Are you with him?" He asks me.
I nod. "He's my friend."
Cam looks at me sadly, still crying.
"Keep an eye on him, please," the security dude says before walking off.
I look to Cameron who continues to sob.
I sigh. I was originally supposed to go out into the city to breathe.
I guess that's not happening today.
I wrap an arm around Cam's waist and grab one of his hands and lead him back to the elevator opposite of the one we got stuck in earlier.
"W-what are you doing?" He sniffles.
"Taking you to your room because obviously you can't stay in the lobby like this." I pull away from Cam and push the up button.
We go into the elevator quietly.
Every time I look at him he begins to cry even harder as if just looking at him is enough to break him.
"Cameron, please stop crying," I beg.
"I c-can't," he chokes out.
"Why not?" Tears brim my eyes.
"Because I h-hurt you again. And this time you'll never forgive me and you'll never love me again, a-and... I can't be without you. What is there to anything if I can't call you mine?" he cries.


Anyways, I got major feels reading this idk about you guys.

More Than Friends (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz