CHAPTER 27 | Without You

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// Cameron's POV \\
     (unexpected huh? 😏)

I took one glance at her as we left Starbucks. I knew I wouldn't see her for a really long time.

She looked the same as always. She didn't look like she cried herself to sleep every night like I did. She didn't look like she hadn't eaten in forever like I did.

She looked fine. Better, even.

She was doing fine without me. But I wasn't doing fine without her.
"Nash, do you think that she ever wonders about me?" I ask Nash as we drive back to our apartment.

"Maybe," he says, his eyes never leaving the road.

"Do you think she knows how much I've been thinking about her? Or how much I miss her?" I ask glumly, staring out the window of the passenger seat blankly.

"If she needed you, I'm pretty sure she would come for you," Nash says.

"I just wish she knew how much I need her."

"Look, Cam. If she can go on without you, you can go on without her," he says.

"No, Nash. I can't. I just can't." I feel the tears coming in again. Yes, again. It wasn't the first time. I'm not the only guy that's cried over a girl.

"Cam, this is the first time you've gone out in a month. A month. You should do things to get her off your mind," Nash suggests, unlocking the doors and stepping out of the car. I didn't even notice we were here.

"But everything reminds me of her," I say as we walk up the stairs.

Nash sighs. "Why did we take the stairs?" He asks.

I look down and we were in fact walking up the stairs.

"See, you're so distracted you didn't even know we were walking!" Nash says, exasperated.

"I'm sorry," I say softly, my head hanging low.

Nash sighs and pulls out his phone. He's texting someone.

He looks at his phone the entire way up the stairs until we reach our floor, like he's waiting for a reply.

He calls whoever as we go into our apartment. He sits on the couch in the living room and I sit on the other end pretending to go on my phone.

The volume is up really loud on Nash's phone and I can hear the ringer.

One ring.


"Pick up. Pick up," Nash sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"What do you want, Hamilton?" My heart skips a beat.


"Don't call me, Hamilton," Nash whines, glancing at me.

He puts his phone on speaker.

"So?" Ava demands.

"Can you please come over some time? He looks like he's about to break." He glances at me again.

"He? Is this about Cam?" Ava demands.

I stay quiet. The way she said my name. She said it like it hurt.

"He's not doing the best, Aves. He really misses you," Nash says.

"You're talking about him like he's a dog." Ava sighs. "Shh, Ryan, be quiet! I'll tell you later!" She says, not speaking into her phone.

Ryan? Who the heck is this Ryan person? I will kill this Ryan guy if he- OH RYAN. Ava's friend. Ry! Oops, false alarm...

"Nash, I really don't want to see him," Ava says.

My heart drops.

Nash looks at me sadly.

"Aves, I'm being serious. He really needs to see you. He's about to reach his breaking point, I can see it," Nash says softly.

"B-breaking point?" Ava's voice falters. "It's th-that bad?"

"Yeah. He really misses you. He starts crying just thinking about you."

"Send me your address. I-I'll be there in a few."

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