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-| Ava's POV |-

"Your mom."

"What the heck does that even mean?!" I ask Cameron. "Did you even hear what I was asking?"

"No," he replies. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

I roll my eyes. "I SAID, who do you think I went to LA with?!"

"Your mom," Cam replies, obvious face on.

"I went with Avery, idiot," I reply.

"Your sister?! How come you didn't ask me to come with you?!" He pouts.

"Because every time we go together, you rant and complain and always pester me into buying you food!" I say.

"No I don't!" He defends himself.

I smirk. I try my best Cam impression. "IT'S HOT. Can we go home, my feet hurt. I'm hungry!"

Cam laughs. "You know you love me, Weirdo!" He opens his arms for me to come in.

Reluctantly, I let him wrap his arms around me.

"You could have gone with Arabella," Cam says.

"I would've gone with my NICER, younger sister, but she was having another social media spree," I say.

Cam laughs. "Of course she was."

After like thirty seconds I shove him away. "Caaaaammmiiiii," I tease.

"What?" He demands.

"I totally saved you back there!" I say, referring to the incident Cam encountered while we were at the mall.

Cam blushes. "Well..."

We were at the food court and Cam was drinking his soda, and suddenly some little girl came along and accidentally bumped into him, causing him to spill his soda all over his shorts.

"You looked like you were gonna fight her!" I laugh.

"I was innocently trying to drink some Coke and then some demon child walks over and spills it onto my shorts!" He says.

"Actually, you spilled it onto yourself," I point out, laughing even harder.

Cam throws his arms up and looks up at the sky. "Help me, please. This girl is impossible to deal with."

I stop laughing. "Shut up! It's not like you're the easiest person to hang out with either!"

"Then why are we always together? Every day?" Cam asks.

"Because I have no one else to hang out with!" I say.

Hahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahahahahahhaha, you also secretly like him, my mind taunts.

"You have Nash, and Hayes, and Matt, and Tay, and Jack and Jack, and Shawn, Aaron, and Carter," Cam tells me.

"Jackson or Reynolds?" I ask.


"Well are they here right now?!" I demand.

"No, but anyway, thanks for saving me, for like what? Probably the millionth time this week." Cam smiles that incredibly cute smile that just kills me.

I shrug. "Baes help baes."

Cam's smile gets a little wider. "I'm your bae?"

"You wanna be my main bae, bae?" I ask, grinning like heck.

"YES. Wait... but what do you mean by 'main bae?'" Cam asks.

I find myself a shade of firetruck. Everybody knows I like Cam, and they all tell me he likes me too, but I need to know from HIM. Not just from the mouths of my friends. I want it so badly to be true but, like, it needs to come from Cam.

And freaking Shawn (yes, Shawn Mendes) all like: patience is a virtue. Whatever that bullcrap means...

Anyway, I seriously cannot wait for MAGcon in two weeks. I get to be reunited with my favesssssssss.

I kinda made this bet with Taylor that I would confess my feelings for Cam before the next Magcon tour.

Hahaha psych. Like I would even.

But sooner or later, my feelings are gonna explode like soda in a can after Cam just shook it and threw it at a wall.

I'm so lost in thought, Cam only got me back into reality after he gently shoves me. He smiles a little sadly. "We're here, Weirdo."

Something in his voice says. 'Don't go, please.'

We walk up my driveway to my front door.

I really don't want him to leave. I love being with him.

He turns around and starts walking away.

I unlock my door. "Cam?" I call.

He turns back around slowly. "Yeah?"

"You wanna hang here for a while?" I ask.

He walks up to me. "Ok, why not?"

We walk through my house trying to find my other family members. We find my mom in the kitchen making brownies.

"Hey mom!" I say.

She looks up from her mixing bowl. "Ava! Oh, look! You brought your boyfriend Cameron!"

"MOM," I complain. "He's not..."

"Hey Ms. D! Good to see you!" Cam says, saving me the trouble of explaining that we're not dating for probably the millionth time. Dang it! Now we're even again. How am I supposed to blackmail him now?!

"Hi Cameron! Good to see you too! Although, you two are always together, mostly getting into trouble and messing around places, these days," Mom says.

"Well, your daughter's my best friend, and I don't know what I would do without her." He smiles at me.

I blush...again. I open my mouth to say something, but I was interrupted by Avery walking in, on her phone as always.

"Moooooooooooooooooom, are you done with the brownies yet? I'm starving!" Avery complains.

Time to get my argument on. "Avery, you're not starving. You're hungry," I say. "Unless we somehow become broke, you're never gonna starve in your entire life."

She rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Ava, no one likes your smart remarks."

"I do," Cam butts in. "And, hi."

Avery glares at Cam. "Hi," she snaps.

We all roll our eyes when she leaves, even Mom. I laugh and turn to Cam.
We share a smile for a moment.

I clear my throat and look down. "So, let's just go to the backyard."


More Than Friends (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz