chapter 1 ; the mikaelson ball

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A.N : hey everyone ! this is my first time writing a klayley book and i hope you enjoy it!

Third person pov :

It had been a few days since Klaus Mikaelson's siblings had risen from their daggered state and had been living in Mystic Falls along with him which he didn't mind. It's safe to say he was even happy to have his family back. But to his dismay, Elena Gilbert, the precious doppelganger whose blood he was about to use to create more hybrids like himself had turned into a vampire and to create hybrids, he exclusively needed human blood. And now, he only had 15 hybrids. Tyler Lockwood was one of them. But Klaus had noticed Tyler's absence in Mystic Falls after he had compelled Tyler to bite Caroline Forbes who happened to be Tyler's girlfriend. However, Klaus had given his blood to Caroline and healed her of Tyler's toxic werewolf bite that could lead to Caroline dying since she was a vampire. Yet, Tyler's absence was uncanny since Tyler was to be sired to him. But he chose to brush it off and concentrate on the grand ball that was to be thrown by the Mikaelsons in celebration of their return to Mystic Falls and the reunion of their family. All of the nobility in town and the founding families were invited. Including Caroline who had caught his eye. He was smitten by the beauty. So much that he went as far as presenting her with a beautiful blue ball gown and jewellery to match for her to wear them to the ball. He was indeed looking forward to the ball to be held two days hence.

The night of the ball :

Every invitee was looking forward to the Mikaelson ball. The Mikaelsons themselves were really excited about their reunion and return to Mystic Falls together as a family. The preparations and decorations had been done quintessentially under the supervision of Rebekah. Elijah, Klaus, Finn and Kol had helped Rebekah in getting everything done and finally after sundown, they were ready to have guests.

Soon the invitees started arriving. Everyone was in awe of the grand decorations. The Mikaelsons were wealthy afterall.

As the guests started arriving, Klaus found himself awaiting the presence of Caroline. To his luck, Caroline soon arrived. Cherry on the top, she also wore the gown that Klaus had gifted her. She looked beautiful in the blue gown. Her hair tied in a bun. A few strands of hair falling down her face and minimal makeup. All these combined together made her look ethereal, Klaus thought.

He rushed towards her and said, "Don't you look ravishing , love !" to which Caroline blushed and thanked him for both the compliment and the gown. She still had a disliking towards him deep down though. Afterall, Tyler had to bite her and leave Mystic Falls because of him. She couldn't help but wish it was Tyler with her instead. Klaus brought her a glass of pink champagne and got himself a bourbon. They talked for a while and after sometime when all of Caroline's friends, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie and Matt had arrived, a soft waltz music started playing asking everyone's presence on the floor. Klaus held his hand out to Caroline which she took, Stefan and Elena paired up, Matt asked Rebekah to a dance and Damon and Bonnie went together. The tempo increased and the dance started. They all twirled in all their glory, clad in beautiful dresses. Soon the music ended and the dance came to an end and everybody walked off the floor.

Klaus, Caroline and Kol were seated by the bar and talking. Caroline just couldn't help but miss Tyler every second. She missed him so much that she zoned out and started staring at the entrance. Klaus and Kol saw her staring wide so they too turned their heads in the same direction in which Caroline was staring.

After a few moments, Caroline started hallucinating, she thought. She saw Tyler walk in with a brunette by his arm. Except, Caroline most definitely wasn't hallucinating. She couldn't believe her own eyes. Then she turned around to see both Klaus and Kol in surprise too. Then only did she believe the sight in front of her and quickly got up and sprinted towards Tyler. At that moment, she did not care about tripping in the voluminous gown. Elena, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Matt and Rebekah were happy to see Tyler. Klaus, Kol and Elijah just watched. Caroline and Tyler soon captured each other in a loving embrace. Their friends smiled at the sight of them being happy to see each other. Klaus however, was too distracted by the brunette standing by Tyler. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She had beautiful olive skin, green eyes and beautiful cheek bones. Her face was absolutely stunning. She was clad in a strapless satin emerald green dress that hugged her body and half of her hair was secured up and the other half flowing all the way down to her back. Klaus was awestruck. He looked around himself and found almost every person in the room staring at the sight infront of him. It was surely not Tyler Lockwood who had a hundred pairs of eyes on him. It was then when Klaus knew that he wasn't the only one awed by the beauty. Klaus snapped out of it to turn around and saw Kol's mouth in an "O". Klaus slapped his chin upward lightly and glared at him . Kol got the sign and shot a mischievous and playful smirk at his older brother to which Klaus rolled his eyes. Caroline is here wearing the dress you gave her , idiot ! concentrate on winning Caroline over ! Klaus thought and snapped out of it.

He got up and walked to Tyler and smirked at him. Caroline was by Tyler's side holding onto his arm so tight as if her life depended on it and the beautiful brunette was by his and Caroline's side too. He glanced at her for a split second hoping she didn't notice and quickly shot his eyes back at Tyler. "Welcome back, Lockwood. You've got a lot of work to do", said Klaus with an evil smirk. Caroline clenched her jaw and so did Tyler. "Nice try, dick. But I'm not your sired little bitch anymore", said Tyler and tried to move past him. This infuriated Klaus and he glared his golden eyes at Tyler with veins appearing under his eyes and dug his hand right through Tyler's chest attempting to rip his heart out. Tyler wasn't one to beg so he only winced at the pain. Caroline begged Klaus to let him go not knowing what to do. Klaus didn't pay heed to Caroline's request. After a few seconds, Klaus felt a hand on top of his which was submerged in Tyler's chest. " Let. Go. ", said the brunette with eyes glowing golden with fury and her hand on top of Klaus' , squeezing it hard. Klaus was surprised. Of course she wasn't just a regular human being. He stared right into her green eyes that were now golden and her piercing gaze was set on his eyes too. Klaus let go of Tyler. Tyler panted and Caroline and him walked away as fast as they could leaving Klaus alone with the brunette.

There was a moment of silence between the two until Klaus decided to break it.

" You're a new one, I see", said Klaus in a charming tone and with a little smirk. "And you are the eternal dick that everyone fears. Your accent gave it away", said the unfazed brunette. Klaus chuckled and said , "Don't let my reputation deceive you, love". "Trust me your reputation had to do nothing in order for me to know that you are a dick, with a bad temper and big ego I must add. The little show you put up a few moments ago was just enough" , said the brunette fearlessly with a sarcastic smile and arms crossed right beneath her chest. Klaus chuckled once again. "So then I think there's nothing I can do to change your perception of me. Oh, little wolf ! You wound me", said Klaus wearing a sad smile and with his blood-covered hand on his chest ever so dramatically. The brunette looked at his blood-covered palm and shot him a playful glare to which he quickly responded by switching his hand with the clean one. She couldn't help but smile at his little antic. Klaus smiled at her this time, showing his dimples. Their eyes met for a second until the she-wolf broke it and started looking around the ball room.

"Hmm, you've done a pretty amazing job with the decorations I must say", said the brunette. "Well, Thank you Miss....Could you help your name, love?", Klaus asked. "Hayley. Hayley Marshall" , she said confidently with a little smile. "Ah! Hayley! Well if that is so then thank you for the compliment, Miss Marshall and please, enjoy your time in here. Now if you'll excuse me", said Klaus beginning to turn on his heel as Hayley gave him a little nod with the same smile plastered on her face. Klaus had just taken two steps ahead in the other direction to walk away from Hayley as he turned to her again as something struck his mind. "I couldn't help but notice how you didn't ask for my name even after our little conversation" , said Klaus a little amused. "Oh I assure you that's not necessary. Everyone knows it. The eternal dick it is if I am not being wrong?", Hayley said with a playful and mischievous smirk playing at her lips and turned on her heel instead and walked away from him leaving him amused at her confidence because no one ever talked to Niklaus Mikaelson in such a way and walked away without a hair on their body being touched. To say he was intrigued by Hayley and her charming bravado would be an understatement. "Hope to see you around, Miss Marshall", he whispered to himself with a mischievous yet harmless smile playing at his lips and he walks away.


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