chapter 11 ; home

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A.N : hey everyone, i'm updating as much as i can and i hope it isn't annoying. anyways, i have got SOOOOOO many more ideas for other klayley stories which i'm gonna publish right after i complete this! expect a few more chapters for this story. maximum 25 and most probably 20. happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

I couldn't believe it. Klaus had known me for barely a day and here he was. He was here for me. I felt safe in his arms. The familiar feeling of warmth, safety and security.

He held me in arms and I never wanted to get out of it. However, it didn't last long. Motus. I heard a witch who I hadn't seen here since I had arrived chant and Klaus collided with the wall opposite from the one with which I had collided earlier. He groaned in anger more than pain. Klaus fell onto the ground with a loud thud. "You witch, you'll pay for everything". Klaus threatened. The witch smirked and pointed her hand towards Klaus and he started screaming. She stopped and said, "Klaus Mikaelson, the invincible hybrid can't tolerate a little boiling blood? Well be grateful it's just your blood I boiled and not your organs I melted". Klaus gasped for air. "Didn't think you'd be the type to do a selfless deed though. I thought this werewolf bitch had no family with her being the last of her clan. But I must say I, we all actually underestimated her Alpha charms. She has YOU wrapped around her finger. Or perhaps, her sheets". She said and smirked. It hurt me hear her say the last part more than it surprised me hearing the rest. Alpha ? I thought. "W-Wait? A-Alpha?". I asked, my voice still weak from all the violence exerted on me by the witches. The witch laughed dryly. "C'mon, so you're telling me you have no idea of who you are? You are the last living member of the Labonair clan, the head family of the Crescent moon pack of werewolves. The most powerful and the original werewolf pack. The Alpha of the Crescent pack is always one from the Labonair family. Their power lies within the Alpha. With you being away from them, they're under a curse. They are doomed to roam in their wolf form only till their Alpha breaks the curse. But if the Alpha dies, the entire Crescent pack will cease to exist and that's precisely what you're here for". The witch explained. All this information was too much for me to absorb but I went ahead and questioned her again. "That's what I'm here for? I don't understand". The witch sighed in frustration and said, "The Alpha of the Deep Water pack, the second most powerful werewolf pack, in pursuit of becoming the most powerful pack and the most powerful Alpha allied with us, a group of witches to sacrifice you thus upgrading his powers. And before you open that slut-looking mouth of yours to ask another question, yes. He could've killed you himself but you're the strongest Alpha so it would've been tough. And besides he needs us to do the upgradation spell. Now I must leave and prepare for his arrival and the sacrifice. All this trouble for you". "Too bad it isn't going to happen". Klaus said and vamp speeded towards her and began to choke her. She was no less. She began to melt his organs. Klaus screamed and she gasped for air, none of them letting go. "Klaus! Let it go, please!". I begged him but he didn't listen. It was getting hard for me to watch him go through such unbearable pain. Suddenly, the room felt silent. Klaus had stopped screaming and the witch, made no sound and her lifeless body thudded on the ground. I saw Damon standing with her heart in his hands. "Couldn't let anyone else have the pleasure of killing Klaus now, could I ?". He said and dropped the heart while smirking. I sighed in relief. "Let's get out as soon as possible". I heard Bonnie's voice from the behind. "I have got to kill that bloody Deep Water Alpha". Klaus said through gritted teeth, enraged. "Has your ancient mind finally lost it? That can wait. Hayley is safe, let's go". Damon said frowning. Klaus looked at me at the mention of my name and our eyes met. He walked towards me, and so did I. He cupped my face and asked, "Are you alright ?". "Why didn't you listen to me? You could've died". I asked him back ignoring his question. "Killing me is no easy feat, love. Don't you worry". He said and smiled a little at me and caressed my face. I rested my face in his hands and sighed.

"Sorry for the rude interruption but please let's get out of here first". Bonnie said and we parted. I went to Damon and lightly hugged him too. Damon, Klaus and I were about to walk out but Bonnie stopped us. "Save the trouble. Come here". We went towards her and we joined our hands. Sanjima Maerma. Bonnie chanted three times and we were out of the castle and in the woods. "I'm impressed Bon Bon". Damon said and smiled at her which she returned. Klaus turned to look at me and said, "Let's get you back home". He smiled at me. I nodded and smiled at him too. He was beginning to make me feel at home.

We walked to Klaus' car and were going to get in but Klaus interrupted. "Wait. Before we go, Bonnie, those witches most likely tampered with Hayley's healing ability. Can you fix it? I want everything to be fine before we start for Mystic Falls". "Yes, sure. It must not take long. Hayley, come with me". Bonnie said and I nodded and the both of us walked a few feet away from the car, still in Klaus' sight.

Klaus' pov :

Hayley and Bonnie walked a few feet away from the car so Bonnie could undo the spells the witches did on Hayley. But they were in my sight.

Damon was stood by me, leaning on the car with his hands folded to his chest. I decided to speak to him.

"Thanks for saving me out there, mate". I said. "Don't mention it. I was an ass to you earlier as well. So we're even". He said and smirked lightly which I returned.

"We're done. Hayley has her abilities back now". Bonnie said as her and Hayley walked back to us. "Great then, let's get going before those witches strike back". I said and attempted to slide in to the driver's seat. But Bonnie stopped me. "Klaus, wait. You rest and be with Hayley. Damon and I'll drive switching turns. I insist". She shot a suggestive smile. I nodded and got in the backseat with Hayley. Damon decided to drive first and Bonnie sat in the passenger's seat. Hayley dozed off but her head was about to hit window as Damon took a sharp turn. I pulled her close to me and she woke up. She looked up at me. "It's okay, love. Rest". She smiled weakly and snuggled into my chest and wrapped her arms around mine. I caressed her hair and she fell asleep.

Third person pov :

At the birchfield castle, the witches grew worried when they found their fellow witch's lifeless body on the ground and even more worried when they found no trace of Hayley. To their dismay, the Alpha of the Deep Water pack arrived. He was furious. "WHERE IS THE LABONAIR GIRL ?" . He asked furiously. "We're sorry, Adam. We didn't think Klaus Mikaelson would come for her. We placed multiple barriers but Klaus had a witch on his side. A Bennett witch, in fact. The strongest barrier was placed by Alicia, the Bennett witch with us and a spell done by a Bennett witch can only be undone by another Bennett witch". The representative of the witches said nervously. "I don't care. She might have slipped this time but you'll stop not till you find her or I'll not hold my end of the deal". Adam said. "Please Adam, you know how important it is for us. That talisman is the oldest known to us and it's the only thing that will help us keep dark magic off the world or else we'll cease to exist". The representative said again. Adam smirked and said, "Well then work accordingly". That being said, he left.

A.N : that's it for chapter 11 bffs ! stay safe ❤️

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