chapter 8 ; you're not a monster

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A.N : this book now has 200+ reads omg what !!?? i'm soooo grateful. happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

The morning light hit my face as I fluttered my eyes open. Deep inside, I hoped this day would be better than yesterday. I got up and walked to the same balcony where Klaus and I had talked last night. I thought about how I thought of him when I first met him. I thought about our bickering at the ball. But last night, changed my perception of him. He's a good person deep down.

I stood in silence and took a few deep breaths. I walked out of the balcony to the kitchen for a glass of water. I took a glass out of the top shelf, poured myself some water. As I drank, I thought about how I would get back to the motel. I had lost my phone, I had no money on me for a cab. I put the glass down in the sink and began to wash it. I groaned thinking about the hundred problems that await me. I washed the glass, dried it and put it back. I turned around only to find Klaus leaning on the doorframe and smiling at me. "Good morning". He said in his morning voice. I smiled back and said, "Morning, Klaus". "Hungry?", he asked smiling still. "Not really. I must actually get going now. I don't wanna be a bother to you and your family. Oh and I just came for a glass of water. I hope you don't mind". I said and he chuckled. I shot a confused expression at him. "Why would I mind you taking a glass of water, silly?", he said and I shrugged. "Anyways, you're not being a bother to me, Hayley. Trust me. And I can drop you back to the motel. You don't have your phone nor any money on you. I insist". He said and I nodded. "I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sure there are a million things you'd rather be doing right now than playing chauffeur for me". I said. He started walking towards me. " Hayley, it's fine. Please don't think too much", he said. "No, Klaus. You've done so much for me. Even after I was so rude to you at the ball. I don't deserve thi-". I said before he stopped me by putting his finger on my lips. A tingling sensation overtook me. "Never say that. No one deserves to go through what you did. And as for the ball, believe it or not, love but I actually enjoyed our exchanges. As you know, Caroline flat-out called me a 'diabolical piece of crap' in front of you and everyone else, I was hurt. But talking to you, it took my mind off things". He smiled as he completed his words. I smiled against his finger on my lips. "Klaus, I don't know why Caroline thinks what she thinks but last night, I saw you. And to me, you're anything but a monster. You saved my life. I could've died last night if it weren't for you. I'll be forever grateful to you". I said. But I noticed that his smile dropped. "I'm flattered, love. But I'm afraid what Caroline thinks is right. I am a selfish, manipulative bastard". He said with an arrogant smile. Classic Klaus. I thought to myself. "No. She's not right. You're not a monster and you can't convince me otherwise. What you are to the rest of the world is what the world has made of you in the last thousand years. You were forced to be this monster to survive. None of us are born evil. This world makes us one. So, you're not a monster. Not to me. And if you defy me on this, I will continue to defy you back". I stated firmly. He looked moved. He looked away from me and said expressionlessly, "Right". I gave him a small smile. "We should get going", he said and I nodded, both of us walking out of the kitchen. "Klaus, could you please take the route by the woods? I need to look for my phone". I said. "I'm sorry, love but you're probably not going to find that anymore". He said. "But I have to try at least. I need it back. Whatever money I have, I need it for food and shelter. I can't go around spending my money on another phone. Or clothes. Or shoes". I realized I blurted it out. "That's fine, Hayley. We'll go look for it. And for now, I'll get you something to wear from Rebekah's. And I'll get you a pair of her shoes too". He said. "Thank you, Klaus. I hope Rebekah doesn't mind", I said. "Don't worry, she won't even notice". He said and chuckled softly and walked to Rebekah's room.

A minute or two later, he walked in with a white solid skin tight cropped t-shirt, a pair of denim jeans, a light blue cardigan and black boots. "Here", he said and I took it. "Can I use your room to change?". I asked. "Sure". He said and I nodded and walked to his room. I took the t-shirt which I had on, off and then the shorts. I felt really uncomfortable without my underwear but I couldn't ask Klaus to get me some, of course. So I put on whatever he got for me. I checked myself in the mirror. I looked tired, worn out. I sighed and walked out of his room, down to the stairs. I watched him waiting for me. He was on his phone but he looked up when he sensed my presence. Our eyes locked for a second before I saw him smile at me. "You look pretty". He said. How could he find me pretty when I'm worn out? I thought to myself. "Thank you". I said and I blushed a little. "Let's get going". He said and we walked out of the mansion and got into his car.

He drived as I looked out the window. None of us said a thing. But the silence wasn't that of an awkward one. It was rather comfortable. We entered the woods and I felt flashes of last night cloud my mind. My breath hitched first and then it got heavy. I didn't realize when tears rolled down my cheeks. Klaus heard me and stopped the car. I got out and stood outside. He did too and walked to me. "Hayley, are you feeling unwell? Look at me". He lifted my chin with his finger. My teary eyes looked at his intense blue ones. My throat became dry. I couldn't speak. I tried to but I couldn't. It was as though he understood the unsaid and wrapped me in a hug. I had my arms against his chest and he had one around my entire body and another at the back of my head. I let out muffled cries and mumbled against his chest. "I can't do this. I will never be normal again. He'll forever make me feel unsafe and he'll continue to haunt me till I die". "Not as long as I'm here", he said. I looked up at him. "Who did this to you?". He asked. "I don't know. I had never seen him before". I said, still in his embrace. His hand which was at the back of my head cupped my cheek. "I promise you I'll find that sick bastard and tear him from limb to limb for what he did to you". He clenched his jaw and all I could see was fury in his eyes. I nodded. "Let's get going, love". He said and we both walked into his car.

Klaus wasn't a monster. All he ever did was to protect himself and the ones he cared about. That was clear to me.

A.N : that is it for chapter 8 bffs ! will be updating tomorrow again. much love ❤️

the night we met ; a klayley storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora