chapter 6 ; impure

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Klaus' pov :

"Now hold on tight". These were the last words I said to Hayley before speeding us to the mansion. I entered the gates with her still in my arms. I put her down but kept holding her by her waist so she wouldn't fall. She had drunk my blood and her wounds had healed but she still wasn't fully fine because those wounds just didn't hurt her physically, they hurt her emotionally too and I knew it. She was violated.

I twisted the door knob as quietly as possible and opened the main door. I walked us inside and closed the door yet again. I picked her up once again and walked her to my room as the guest rooms weren't ready yet since it had just been hardly a week since we moved into the mansion. I walked up the stairs with her in my arms and I noticed the silence. Then I recalled that Rebekah was in New York, Elijah and Finn were off to California for some business matters and Kol was probably partying somewhere with Caroline and her friends since he had gotten close with the group with them technically being of the same age and all. That was the reason behind the Mikaelson mansion being veiled by silence. I reached my room and twisted the doorknob once again, this time without placing Hayley down. I walked in and placed her on my bed. She let out a soft sigh, of comfort I think. As much as I wanted to put her under the covers and let her rest, she was still covered in dirt and blood. The blood. Between her legs. I thought to myself and felt a pang of pain. It angered me that she was touched without her consent, during her weakest state. I sighed and turned to her. "Love, please get up and let's get you cleaned before you rest. You look weak too. I'll get something for you to eat as well. Please get up". I said and she whimpered. I held her by her shoulders and she got up and stood up. Herself. She was slowly regaining her strength.

"Let's get you the bathroom". I said walking her towards my bathroom. "You can use the shower. I'm going to get you some clothes". I said and she nodded and closed the door. I walked out and entered Rebekah's room and started looking for some clothes that would fit Hayley. I found a pastel pink t-shirt and a black pyjama shorts for her and left Rebekah's room with it. I placed the garments on my bed and walked out and into the kitchen to make Hayley something. Frankly speaking, I helped her only considering her state. I really wouldn't have bothered if it was just a werewolf exhausted after transition.

I opened the refrigerator and took out some ham, cheese, lettuce and bread. I decided to make her some sandwiches. I made two of them and walk back to my room where she was. I opened the door to see her dressed and sat at the edge of the bed. I walk towards her with the sandwiches. I crouch down to look at her face and then sit on the floor in front of her. "Hayley, look at me. Please have something. You need to regain your stren-". I couldn't finish the sentence as she started sobbing uncontrollably. I set the plate aside and got on my knees and cupped her face. "Hayley, please don't-", this time, I got cut off by her. "No, Klaus. Don't touch me. I'm impure. I'm a shame". She said but didn't do anything to free herself of my grip. "It's not your fault, love. That bastard touched you without your permission. I can't fathom how painful it must be. And I wish I could take your pain away but I can't". I said and looked down, as though in defeat. Neither of us said anything and Hayley's sobs were the only thing to be heard till she started speaking. "You can. You are an original. You can compel me. Please compel me to forget it, Klaus. Please, I can't spend my entire life knowing the fact that I was raped at the age of 19 after being kicked out. I am not so strong, Klaus. Please". She desperately said, her sobs never stopping. "It won't be the right thing to do, love. You have to get through it to move on from it. If I compel you, it'd be unfair. It's not for me to take away". I said, my hands cupping her face still. "H-How ? I will now be impure for the rest of my life. Nobody will ever look at me. Nobody will want to be with me. God, I'm disgusting". She said and got up in the last part and clenched her hair with her fists. She wailed and wailed. I touched her by her shoulders and made her turn towards me. "Hayley, look at me. You're a strong woman. You'll get through it". I said. Her features broke down again and she asked, "How?". Helplessness washed over me. "One day, you'll find someone who will love you, nurture you, care for you, trust you. They'll be by your side. During the highs, the lows. And most importantly, they'll love you. Even the darkest parts of you that you think are too impure. Too impure to be loved. And that's when none of it will matter. Love, Hayley. Love will heal you because what happened to you, was done by someone whose heart is driven by hatred". I said and gave her a small smile, attempting to comfort her. She had stopped crying. "Thank you, Klaus. For everything tonight. I'll forever be indebted to you". She said and tried to bring herself to smile but she couldn't. "It was my duty, Hayley. Under no circumstance would I leave a woman in that state. Or for that matter, anyone in need". I said and she nodded. Did I just say something very humane ? Nevermind. I thought to myself but shrugged it off. "Now, love. Please eat something". She nodded in agreement and sat back on the bed and took a bite of the sandwich I made her. "It's eatable right? I mean, you know, we don't actually eat to survive so I haven't cooked in centuries". I said trying to lighten the mood. She smiled and said, "They're alright, Klaus. Thank you, again". I smiled.

I sat with her and watched her eat. She soon ate both the sandwiches and got up to walk to the kitchen. "Rest up, love. I'll do it for you". I smiled and took the plate from her. I walked out and into the kitchen and made my way back to my room, to her. She walked towards me and began to say. "I must go now, Klaus. You've done more than enough for me tonight. I don't want to be a bother to you anymore. I am just going to go back to the motel. I shall leave now". She smiled at me. "No, Hayley. Please, stay the night. It just doesn't feel right for me to let you go". I said. "It's fine, Klaus. Really. I'm fed and rested. I can take care of myse-". She said before getting stopped mid sentence by me. "I know you can, Hayley. It's just... Please, listen to me. You can take my room since the guest rooms aren't ready yet. I'll take one of my brothers'. Besides, it's 2 in the morning. You probably won't get a cab and you lost your phone too I assume. So, please. Listen to me. You can leave in the morning". I said. "Okay, Klaus. If you insist. But I feel really bad taking up your space". She said to which I smiled softly. "It's okay. It's no big deal. It's just a night. Now go and get ready for bed before I change my mind". I said and she chuckled softly. "Okay, mom". She said and I let out a laugh as I watched her get under the covers in my bed. I smiled at her and said, "Goodnight, little wolf". "Goodnight, Klaus". She mumbled and I left.

A.N : that's it for chapter 6 bffs ! i'll be doing hayley's pov for next chapter. much love ❤️

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