chapter 13 ; the grill

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A.N : HOLY SHIT THIS BOOK HAS 650+ READS AND IT'S AT #8 IN KLAYLEY ?????? i don't deserve y'all.
also, I'm so so so sorry for not updating for 2 whole weeks. i hit a major writer's block.
happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

There I was. Beaten by the witches and rescued by Klaus. Again. I was losing track of the ways in which I was to repay him. I didn't know why he saved me. Frankly speaking, for a moment at that castle when the witches were torturing me, I found comfort in the thought that my miserable and purposeless life would come to an end and to my luck, there wasn't anyone in this world who cared for me. Or at least I thought. That one particular witch who told me that Klaus was selfish and that he cared for no one other than himself and his family was wrong. The moment he walked in the room I was being held captive at, I knew the witch had been wrong. The moment I felt his touch was the safest I had ever felt and I had a feeling so peculiar. I felt what I thought I never could. Home. That was the moment I learnt that home is not a place. It's a feeling. A feeling you only get when you're with the right person. That was also the moment when I knew that Klaus wasn't the person everyone thought he was or everyone believed he was. They said he was darkness but to me, he was the light. It was as though his mere presence pushed every nerve of my body to believe that there's more to this world, that there's so much more that awaits me and that I had it in me to fight for what I have always wanted and that it wasn't impossible. It's been barely two days since he has known me but he had done for me what even my own parents didn't. He fought for me, he protected me and most importantly, he believed I was worth saving.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt the brake. I gasped in shock. Klaus immediately turned to me with a worried expression and asked, "What happened ? Are you alright ?". I nodded and said, "Yeah I am. I was just lost in thoughts and when I felt the brake, I snapped out of it too quick to process it". He sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I thought it was some witch messing with you". He said. "By the way, what were you thinking so deeply? Care to tell, little wolf?". He asked grinning like a little child. His dimples popped and it make him look adorable. How can this be the devil?  I thought to myself. Funny how these same dimples annoyed me two nights ago. "Are we gonna spend the night in this car or are we gonna go get something to eat? Maybe I'll tell you what I was thinking about so profoundly over dinner?". I said and smiled. I actually smiled after the hell I have been through just in the last two days. He shot a playful smirk at me. "Very well then. Let's go". He said and got out and opened the door for me. He held his hand out for me. I felt my cheeks heat up. I didn't know why I was acting like a fourteen year old at his gestures. I took his hand and he smiled at me. He seemed to have noticed my rose blush.

We walked through the door. The night was a little cold and on entering the grill, warmth had collided with our bodies, providing comfort.

Klaus walked to a less crowded corner and I followed his lead. He stopped at the booth and looked at me for approval. I nodded and slid into the booth and he seated himself opposite me. I took my phone out and saw that it had died. "Oh man, I gotta charge it. I'll just see if they have one by the bar. I'll be back in a moment". I said and was about to get up but he stopped me. "No, love. You rest. I'll do it". I tilted my head a little and held my hand out and lightly squeezed his in an assuring manner and said, "Klaus, I know for some reason you've looked out for me and you still are but trust me, I'll be fine. It's nothing". "No! This isn't nothing. A bunch of crazy witches are probably after you and who knows maybe that Deep Water Alpha is as well. You're not safe alone". He tried to reason. "I know. I know I'm not safe but all this while, I've taken care for myself and I have to continue doing so. I'll have to toughen up more than I already did. It isn't going to be easy but I also know that I'm on my own. And that you're not going to come to my rescue always. I have to help myself". I replied and I got up and walked away before he could retort.

I rested my elbows on the counter and called for a bartender. Matt walked up and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Hayley! Are you alright? We got sick worried. I'm so sorry about what happened". He said and that surprised me. I thought nobody other than Damon, Bonnie and Klaus knew. "You know? How?". I questioned. " Klaus barged into Bonnie's house with nothing other than rage and worry in his eyes. He looked like a father who had lost his child. I mean we all are familiar with Klaus' anger but for the first time, we saw his concern. His concern for you. And we never thought he could for once do something selfless. Speak of the devil, there he is". Matt said pointing towards Klaus who was looking down at his phone and I stood there shaken. Why does he care?  I thought to myself. But I said it out loud. "Honestly, Hayley, we have no idea but the man we saw today, was someone who was definitely not the usual Klaus. We saw him as a normal person who cared for another". He said and I nodded. "Hey by the way, are you two here together?". He asked and I shook my head swiftly. "No! No? I mean, No. Why would we be here together? Together as in together  ! Why would he, Why would I? No!". I rambled and chuckled awkwardly and nervously. Matt laughed out loud and I shot a confused expression at him. "Woah! Chill it's alright. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone if I'm being honest". He said and smirked. I rolled my eyes in response. "Whatever. Anyways, do you have a charger? That's what I actually came for". I asked and he nodded. I handed him my phone and said, "Thanks, Matt". "Anytime, Hayley. Have a nice time". He said looking towards Klaus'direction and gave me a teasing expression. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip trying to fight the involuntary blush that had crept into my cheeks and walked away to join Klaus again.

Klaus' pov :

I didn't mean to but I heard Hayley and Matt's conversation. I chuckled to myself when I heard her. The little wolf getting all nervous and awkward when Matt asked about us being here together did inexplicable things to me. I found myself getting nervous as well.

I recalled what Damon had said earlier about Hayley having a place in my heart and about her affections being reserved for me. It was preposterous. Serious matters of the heart don't happen so swiftly. I had known her for just two days and from what I've learnt with my thousand years in this world is that matters of the heart aren't rushed or forced. They are gradually built up. What I knew for sure is that whatever it was with her, it most certainly wasn't forced. It was the realest and most natural thing to have happened to me in a long time. Sure, I cared about her and I even showed that I care for her. It was very unlike me. Even if I cared for someone, I'd never show it but with Hayley, it was different. I couldn't stop myself from caring or showing any concern towards her. It felt so natural and for the first time, I wasn't in control and as much as I tried to get bothered by it, I couldn't. I wasn't complaining either. I was naturally gravitated towards her. Out of instinct, I wanted to push her away but this time, a stronger force was fighting my instinct and I liked every bit of it. For a change, I didn't push her away.

A.N : so that's it for chapter 13 ! i promise i'll update soon this time. i'm so sorry for being m.i.a for two whole weeks again ❤️

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