chapter 7 ; safe and sound

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A.N : hey everyone ! this book now has 150+ reads ! happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

Klaus walked out leaving me alone to rest in his room. I didn't have enough words to express my gratitude towards Klaus. I'd forever be indebted to him. I turned the lights off and as I lay on his bed and pulled his covers over myself, I could smell him all over me. And somehow, that scent comforted me and relief washed over me. I remember getting the same feeling, back in the woods two hours ago. I began to reflect on everything that had happened in those eventful two hours. I had just turned back into my human form after my time as a werewolf on the full moon night had ended. Obviously, I was at my most vulnerable state. I found myself on the ground and as I got up to walk back to where I had kept my clothes, I heard a rustle amongst the leaves. I turned back in the direction of the sound but found no one. My senses weren't heightened since I had been weak from the transition and so I failed to recognise his presence. I had turned frontwards to continue my walk but instead, I was met with a vampire. His eyes glaring with lust and hunger. Veins popping under his eyes. I had never seen him before but I had gotten so scared by his aura and I began to run. But I couldn't. He had pulled me by my hair and bit my neck from the behind.

( T.W : sexual violence )

He had drunk from me for a few good minutes before he started touching my naked body everywhere. His hands travelled to my breasts and he squeezed them with extreme force. I had tried to scream in agony but his hand had taped my mouth. He had begun biting down my back, my stomach, my ass. By then, he had drained me of my blood. He had removed his hands from my mouth but there hadn't been an ounce of energy left in me to even whimper. He was then, in front of me and had pushed me to the ground so my back laid flat on it. He had forced my legs open and took a few more bites from my inner thighs. My mouth had been agape, from fear, agony, humiliation, violation, every possible bad emotion. Tears had rolled down my eyes. I had been wailing silently, as though. He had soon unzipped his pants and begun thrusting in and out of me. I had cried. But not any sound left my mouth. I had felt blood flowing down my thighs before I felt him stop. "Die, disgusting werewolf". He had said and had kicked my stomach, making me roll over, with my face to the ground.

( It's done now )

I had been laying in that state for sometime before smelling traces of the exact scent all over the cover over me. I remembered that feeling of comfort that had washed over me when I saw Klaus in the woods. When Klaus' arms had held my cold, naked body in them, all I felt was safe. It was as though I'd never find a safer place in this world. Anyone would probably run away seeing Klaus find them in a such a state to avoid further damage since he has a bad reputation of being a ruthless killer but that wasn't the case for me. When I had been in his arms and he told me, "No one can hurt you now. I'm here. You're safe" and at that moment, I knew I could trust him.

I was still laying in his bed, but not a trace of sleep was to be found. I just couldn't get whatever happened to me out of my head. The thought of that vampire's touch made my spine shiver and a feeling of self-disgust filled me. Before I knew, tears were streaming down my face. I let out soft cries. Any amount of sleep that had creeped into my eyes were replaced my tears. I got up and sat in the bed, staring blankly at the hardwood floor. Then, I looked out the window at the moon. I wish I wasn't a slave to the moon. This wouldn't have happened today if I weren't. I thought to myself, looking at the moon.

Not being able to sleep, I stepped out of Klaus' room, into the balcony. I felt lost. I didn't know what to do. I felt lonely. I was lonely. I had no one in this world. No parents, no family, no friends. I had no one to be with me in these difficult times. I always thought myself to be self-sufficient, but this time, I longed for someone. A friend maybe. I stood there staring at the sky. For a moment, it felt like it was only me and the moon and the wilderness. I found myself lost in a trance.

However, it didn't last as I smelt that same comforting scent that I had smelt in the woods and over the covers. I turned back to look at him and I gave him a small smile. "Couldn't sleep?", Klaus asked to which I responded by shaking my head. "And you?", I asked. "Me neither. Well, you should try to sleep. You need rest", he said. "I tried but I couldn't". I said and he nodded in acknowledgement. "You were staring at the sky, lost in thoughts. What were you thinking?", he asked as it intrigued him. "Nothing. I was just thinking about how lonely I actually am. So many people in this planet and yet, I am lonely. Frankly speaking, each time I see someone with their family or friends or partners, I can't help but be happy for them because they have the greatest gift in the world. The unconditional love of family. Having someone by your side in this cruel world is really essential from what I've learnt in the last year. Having someone by your side is a source of strength. Strength required to endure the many storms of life. It's just....I can't help but wish that my adoptive parents would've given me a chance. I didn't choose to be a werewolf after all. I loved them very much. Deep inside, I still do. I know it's pathetic but they raised me for 15 years. They were by my side in every step but they abandoned me when I needed them the most. But even now, I wish I was with them. With Dad and Mom. And maybe Madison, who used to be my best friend. Maybe I'd cry myself to sleep in mom's lap, with dad by my side. But, we don't always get everything we want". I said and Klaus seemed to have gotten sad. "I'm sorry I talk too much. I shouldn't-". That's all I could say before being cut off by him. "No, please don't say that. I like listening to you. And I would like you to know how strong you are. At the tender age of 19, you've been through what most people can't even imagine of going through in their entire lives. You're growing into a beautiful woman. You deserve all the love and happiness this world has to offer". He said and smiled at me. His smile reaching his deep blue eyes that looked at me with utter tenderness. "Thank you so much, Klaus". I said and we stayed at the balcony for a while, talking to each other. My mind was diverted from the horrendous thoughts and I felt calm.

After a while, we both left as we started to feel sleep creeping in. I entered his room and got under the covers once again, turning the lights off. I didn't know why Caroline and everyone called him a selfish beast. A selfish beast doesn't help anyone. A beast can't provide you with comfort. A beast can't make you feel safe. But that's all I felt with Klaus. Safe and sound.

A.N : that's it for chapter 7 bffs ! take care and much love ❤️

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