chapter 5 ; pale moonlight

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A.N : this book now has 80+ reads ! couldn't be more grateful ! happy reading ❤️

Klaus'pov :

It was the day after the ball. I had been busy helping Elijah with some business details till sundown. It was around 7pm when I arrived at the Mystic Grill for a drink. Frankly speaking, I needed some time away from everyone. That's the reason I had ditched my car and walked to the Grill instead. It wasn't that far away from our mansion.

At the Grill, I sat by the bar and ordered a scotch. I took out my phone and replied to a text from Rebekah. She had asked me if she could go to New York for two days to meet up with an old friend to which I agreed, even though I was sceptical about it. After I put my phone back into my pocket, I saw the bartender place the scotch in front of me. I took the glass in between both my palms and blankly stared at it for a while. Caroline's words from last night still hadn't left my mind.

"Looks like someone's going through a heartbreak. Aww! Did Caroline speak her true thoughts about you out loud?". I heard Damon say and I was taken out of my trance. I turned to look at him and clenched my jaw. But then my face relaxed and I smirked at him lightly. "Sounds like you're mad about me scaring the pretty little wolf away". I said and he scoffed. "Unlike you, not everyone is unable to see past things and are actually capable of thinking logically, you see". He said and sipped his drink. "Well if my words haven't changed her perception of you, then why isn't she with you? Why don't I smell her on you? Let me tell you I'd smell Hayley anywhere after being that close to her during the dance last night". I said and smirked. "You're disgusting, Klaus". Damon said in utter disgust and got up and walked away. I rolled my eyes and gulped down the scotch.

After a few more rounds, I got up to go back to the mansion. Since I had walked on my way here, I realized I had to walk back. I walked out of the town square and decided to take a longer route by the woods. I needed some serenity.

I was on the road through the woods. Deep forests on both sides of the road. I was walking in a slow pace, reflecting at things going round my head. I looked around me and all I could feel was silence. A good kind of silence. But it didn't last for long as my ears caught growls. Of wolves. I then realized it was a full moon night. I had no reason to be scared of wolves considering the fact I am one myself but since I'd broken the curse, I haven't had the courage to turn. After being ripped away of my true self for a thousand years, it just didn't feel like myself anymore. My thoughts were interrupted when I smelt a familiar scent of a rare wildflower, which I can't recall the name of. My senses suddenly heightened and I became aware of her, Hayley's presence. But I decided to let her be and brushed it off and started to walk again. Now a little faster than before. I kept walking, until my ears caught soft cries and whimpers. I stopped and concentrated on where the cries had come from. Something in me told me it was Hayley's voice. The crying got louder and I rushed into the woods. I could now smell that scent getting stronger and cries louder. It had to be her. I sprinted in the woods for a while before I found her. She was lying on the ground on her , in her human form, completely naked, unable to get up. This meant she had just turned back from her wolf form and hence she was at her weakest. I walked towards her, not knowing what to do. But as I got closer, I noticed bite marks on her entire body. Vampire bite marks. Then, I noticed a trail of blood flowing down her thighs to her legs. The sight broke my heart and I rushed to her to touch her face. It seemed like she managed to get away a few inches with all the power she had. Then I saw a little of her face which was now off the ground but still not looking at me. "Please, don't do that to me again. Please, I beg you". She cried out. She was scared. I quickly went closer to her to put my hand under her chin and looked at her face. I cupped her face and watched her regain a little of her senses. She relaxed into my touch and rested her face in my palm. She looked at me, her scared eyes scanned my face. "Klaus". She weakly mouthed and tears rolled down her face. "Yes, love. It's me". I said and she began crying harder. I wrapped one of my arms around her and the other brought her head to my chest. She wouldn't move. She was frozen. After a few seconds, she wrapped her arms around me and wailed. "Shh, Shh. It's okay, love. No one can hurt you now. It's alright. I'm here. You're safe". I said and I felt her body relax more and her grip tighten, as though she knew she could trust me. We stayed in that position till she calmed down a little. My arms that had been wrapped around her unwrapped and cupped her face. Her eyes had become red, her cheeks stained with tears, her lips trembling. Even in that state, the pale moonlight shone down on her face. Even in that state, she looked beautiful. To me at least. Her teary eyes looked into mine and suddenly, she lost consciousness. I held her and prevented her body from falling into the ground. The bite marks. That vampire not only raped her but drained her of blood. He took advantage of her most vulnerable state. Anger rushed into my veins. I wanted to go and rip that vampire's bloody head. But no way in hell was I going to leave Hayley alone. I bit into my wrist and brought it close to her mouth for her to drink. She was a werewolf and she could heal herself fast but she was drained of blood. "Here, love. Please drink". She opened her eyes a little and began to drink from me. I ran my fingers through her hair and tried to soothe her. I pulled away when she had had enough. But she was still weak. She rested her head on my chest again. Then it hit me that she was naked. I moved away causing her to look at me and I cupped her cheek with one of my hands again. "Hayley, look away for a moment, will you?". I said softly and she just nodded in response and stared at the ground. Still too tired to be speaking. I got up and was about to turn around. But I was stopped by her holding my wrist. She looked straight at me and weakly said, "Please don't leave me". I crouched down to her level and gave her a comforting smile. "I am not leaving you, Hayley. You need something to cover yourself. I am just making sure of that". I said and then it hit her. I felt her hold on my wrist loosen and she tried to cover her chest with her arms. I looked at her and saw that the bite marks were gone, meaning my blood had healed her. "I- I- I am so sorry for putting you in such a position". She said feeling embarrassed. I gently cupped her face once again and made her look at me. "It's alright, love. There's nothing for you to be sorry about". I said and smiled at her. She weakly smiled back. "Now, wait a moment. I'll be back before you know". I said and stepped away, going just about 5 feet away from her, not taking my eyes off her. Her eyes weren't leaving me either. I took my jacket off and then she had understood. She broke the gaze and looked down. I then took off my long-sleeve t-shirt and put my jacket back on and zipped it. I walked back to her with my t-shirt in hand. I crouched down and handed it to her for to wear. "Turn around". She softly said and took the t-shirt. I nodded and turned around. "I'm done", she said and tried to stand up but couldn't regain balance and was about to hit the ground when I caught her and picked her up in bridal style. "I've got you, love. I've got you". I said and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Okay, let's get you home now. Since I didn't bring my car, I am going to have to call a cab". I said. "Do you really have to? Can you not vamp speed me to the motel I've been staying at? I decided not to stay at Tyler's so I've been staying there", she said against my chest. "1, yes I can do that if you want to get home quick and 2, I said 'home' and by that, I mean you're going home with me". I said. "No, Klaus. You've already done enough for me tonight. Just drop me at the motel and I'll be fine. I don't want to be any more of a burden to you. I've already taken so much of your time. Plea-". She said before getting cut off by me. "No more talking, love. You're going home with me and that's final. Now hold on tight". I said and vamp sped us over to the mansion.

A.N : so this was chapter 5 ! feedbacks and suggestions are always welcomed ❤️

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