chapter 10 ; birchfield

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A.N : 300 reads ! THANK YOU ! happy reading ❤️

Klaus' pov :

After driving for 2 hours straight, we still hadn't reached. I started getting nervous. I was sick worried. "Drive faster, grandma". Damon said. Under other circumstances, I would've hit him with a comeback. I just kept quiet and kept driving.

My mind went back to last night when Hayley and I had been on the balcony. The words of her saying how lonely she was were echoing through my mind. As bad as I felt that Hayley had no one to look out for her, it made me realize how blessed I was to have Rebekah and Elijah by my side at all times. No matter what I did, how many times I daggered them, deep down, I know they'd always look out for me and I'd do the same for them a hundred times and over. This incident made me appreciate my family. Family is power is what Elijah always says. And this proved it. Unconditional love of family is the greatest strength.

After a drive of another hour, we reached Birchfield. "Bonnie, can your locator spell be more specific?". I asked, calmly. "No, Klaus. I'm afraid not. But I can try to establish a link with Hayley. It might help me to see through her eyes and perhaps we can get somewhat of an idea of here she's being held captive". Bonnie said rummaging through the grimoire. "But there's a problem, the spell requires a huge amount of power and I need a celestial event to draw energy. But there is no celestial event today. Or even tomorrow. It was a full moon last night but that won't help". Bonnie said worried and stressed. "Can you channel me and draw power?". I asked turning back to look at her. "That's too dangerous. You'll be too weak to save her". She said. "Well that's what I'm here for". Damon said with a smirk. "Shut the hell up. You're here for help. Not to play hero. Get over yourself". I said and he scoffed. "Bonnie, do it. I'm a thousand years old. I'm sure I can tolerate that much". I looked at her and she reluctantly agreed. "Okay then, let's go out to the woods". She said and I nodded, beginning to drive again.

We entered the woods where we won't be too visible. Bonnie set candles up, drew patterns with salts and placed the chain of the locket that belonged to Hayley which she had used earlier for the locator spell inside a chalice. "Give me your blood". She said to me and I bit into my wrist and let my blood pour into the chalice and Hayley's chain now emerged in it. "Okay, hold your hands out". She said and I did. She held my hands and began chanting. Venez sanguis, Venez sanguis, Venez sanguis la force de la bête à moi. She chanted incessantly. I was beginning to feel weaker. That's how we knew it was working. I shut my eyes and I saw it. I saw the debris of some castle from what it looked. Then, I saw blood splattered on a wall, smudged down. I shot my eyes open. "She's being held in some abandoned castle. It's nearby, I can feel it". I said. Bonnie nodded and I said, "Wait, does this mean Hayley and I linked?". "No, it's not an average linking spell. It helps you see through her eyes". She said. "Let's go then. Hurry!". Damon said and I inwardly scoffed. His presence was beginning to annoy me.

We got into my car again and started looking for an abandoned castle. Luck seemed to be in our favour we found it. Canopied by birches. I got out along with Bonnie and Damon. I marched with heavy steps to enter the goddamned castle and get Hayley out. But I was restricted by an invisible barrier. Witches, of course. They were intelligent creatures. And not only did it restrict me, it burnt my skin. I was growing angrier by the second. "Break it, Bonnie". I looked at her and she nodded. Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San. She chanted and the barrier broke down. I stormed in, Bonnie and Damon following behind. "Split up". I said and we split up.

I looked for her everywhere. I tried to catch her familiar scent. But I couldn't. All I could smell was burning licorice. Witches were too cunning. But not cunning enough to know that Klaus Mikaelson would manage to have a witch on his team.

Hayley's pov :

I sat there, frozen to the ground and was lost in a reverie. But that didn't last long as a witch barged in. She wasn't the one who had hurt me before. She had brown hair, tan brown skin and had a tall and stout built. I had been crying. I was still. My cheeks were stained with tears and I was having trouble catching a breath. I actually had cried so much. The witch stepped closer and grabbed my chin hard and squeezed it. To say it hurt would be an understatement. "Stop crying, wolf girl. It's getting really annoying. And if you're still holding onto hope that someone will come for you, then I suggest you snap out out of it and land on reality. And oh, we were actually surprised to find you with Klaus Mikaelson. If you think he's going to come for you, him being the one to witness us taking you and all, be rest assured he isn't coming. He's smart enough to not indulge in witch business involving someone from whom he'll benefit nothing. He doesn't care about anyone unless it has got to do something with him. Sorry to burst your bubble". She said and let me out of her rough grip. She was right. I wasn't any of his concern. And I didn't expect him to come either. Maybe in my subconsciousness, I did.

Klaus' pov :

I was getting more and more worried as time passed. My breathing became heavy. I was panting. I didn't feel much stronger after Bonnie had channelled me but I didn't let it show. After rummaging through what felt like a hundred rooms, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. The basement. I thought and speeded towards the basement. As I stepped forward to enter, I was restricted by an invisible barrier yet again. I groaned in frustration. I wanted to scream for Bonnie but I couldn't. It would alert the witches. I speeded back to Bonnie using my vampire ability and her and Damon followed me to the basement. Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San. Bonnie chanted again in attempt to destroy the barrier. But it didn't work. I grew worried. "This has been sealed by a Bennett witch. I feel it". She said. "Does this mean you can't unseal it? You're a Bennett witch yourself. C'mon!". Damon frantically said. "Relax, Damon. I just need to do a different spell. Now shut up and let me concentrate". She said and glared at him. Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. She chanted and the barrier broke down again. I entered without any second thoughts and began looking for Hayley again. Damon and Bonnie stayed behind in case. Where are you, little wolf? I thought to myself and carried on.

What I hadn't noticed was that the smell of burnt licorice had rid itself off the air. Soon, the familiar scent of wildflower filled the air. My anticipation grew and I increased my pace. On reaching the dead end of the basement, the scent increased. I saw a door beside it and kicked it open. There she was. Scared, beaten down, hopeless and weak. She had her head burried in her lap. Her clothes covered in blood and dirt. Behind her, I saw the same smudge of blood on the wall. Without wasting another second, I rushed to her. "Hayley!", I softly exclaimed, too bewildered to say it louder. She slowly picked her head up to look at me. "Klaus!", she mouthed as she seemed too weak to get a sound out of herself. I walked closer to her as she stood up on her feet and began to step towards me but was stopped as I went to her faster and pulled her in an embrace. She wrapped her arms around my neck as tight as possible and I wrapped mine around her lower back. She sobbed into my chest and I hugged her tighter to pull her closer if it was even possible. I brought one of my hands up to support her head and as I touched the back of her head, I felt blood stick to my hands. I was enraged. I was going to rip off those witches' heads for doing this to her. Hayley got her head off my chest and looked up at me. Our eyes met again. I saw her beautiful face stained with tears, her eyes red and lips trembling. I'd seen this before and my heart shattered a little more at the sight. "You came for me?". She asked in disbelief, her voice shaking. "Of course I did, love". I said and cupped her face with both of my hands and placed a kiss on her forehead. She brought her hands over mine and squeezed them, my lips still lingering on her forehead. I felt her heartbeat come to a normal pace and her breathing steadied. I hugged her again. "You're safe. No one will hurt you. I won't let them". I said and she tightened her grip on me. I rubbed her back and she stayed still. She felt safe.

A.N : that is it for chapter 10 ! and don't worry i'll go easy on hayley soon ! much love ❤️

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