chapter 9 ; out of the woods

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A.N : happy reading ❤️

Klaus' pov :

After Hayley had a panic attack, I comforted her. I don't know what came over me but I felt fury and pain run through me thinking about the vampire who hurt her.

We got inside the car and I started driving again. There was silence untill Hayley broke it. "There. Pull by. That's where I left my belongings". I pulled up and we got out, stepping into the woods. I walked behind her, not taking my eyes off of her for a split second. "Oh my God! there they are! see I told you we'd find it!" Hayley beamed like a little child and I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me. "Well now that you've found them, let's get going". I said and she nodded. I was walking with her following behind.

After a few moments, I heard her scream my name. "Klaus!" That's all I heard. I turned around in what felt like lightspeed and watched a group of witches marching forward towards us, chanting. Hayley was being pulled away. I tried to speed up to catch her but a tremendous headache had me on my knees, screaming in agony as another group of witches began closing in on me. I watched as Hayley now floated in the air and within a matter of seconds, she was out of my sight. She was out of the woods. Phasmatos invisique. I heard all the witches say in unison and I was left alone. "Hayley!" I screamed for her.

I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do. I looked at the ground and found Hayley's belongings which had slipped out of her hand. I picked them up and rushed to my car and placed her stuff in the seat in which she had been seated. I started the car and rushed to the town. I was going to need a witch. I had known Hayley for just a day or two and I wouldn't care if it were someone else but for some reason, I wanted to protect her. I felt the need to.

I reached town and barged into Bonnie's house. I speeded upstairs to Bonnie's room to find her, Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler and Matt in there. Bonnie looked at me with a confused expression. "Have you ever heard of knocking? Tell me what do you want and if it's a date with me, then no". Caroline said and I found myself becoming furious. How much more self-centred could Caroline possibly be? Worry is written all over my face and I'm literally panting and that was all she could think about. I thought to myself and ignoring Caroline's remark, I march towards Bonnie, making her stand up. "I need you to do a locator spell". I said. "And what makes you think I will help a murderous sociopath like you who put my friends' lives in danger countless times?". Bonnie said. I looked down for a second before speaking back. "Now is not the time, Bonnie. A coven of witches took Hayley somewhere. She was with me and they ripped her away. I need to find her". I said in one breath.

Bonnie's pov :

Hayley was missing? And most importantly, Klaus had known for just a day but he was being desperate to find her. All I could hear in his voice was concern for Hayley. Genuine and selfless one. One with no ulterior motive. "Woah, Woah. Hold on, Hayley is missing and she was with you? What did you do to her, dick?" Tyler asked Klaus to which Klaus only glared at him and clenched his jaw. "Please, Bonnie. Please help me find Hayley. I know I've done terrible things but Hayley, she is a good person who doesn't deserve this. She's nice. Please, for her". Klaus begged. I couldn't believe my own ears. Klaus Mikaelson, who doesn't care about anyone other than himself and his family was begging for a girl he had met two nights ago. "But what actually happened? And why was she with you? We need to know". Caroline said. Klaus sighed and closed his eyes before opening them again and began to tell us what had happened to Hayley and why she was with him.

"Oh my God, poor girl". Caroline said. Tyler was speechless, his head in his hands. Matt couldn't say anything either. "Why would anyone do that? It's pathetic". Elena said and leaned on Stefan's shoulder. "I don't know. But all I do know is how I found her in that state and how she instantly felt safe with me. Hence, I promised her I would protect her. She has been on her own all this time. She has had no one to look out for her. She has looked out for herself all this time but now, she can't. So I will. I want to. I need to". Klaus said, with tears brimming in his eyes. I just couldn't believe the sight in front of me. But my heart melted. "I will help you. But only for Hayley". I said. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Bonnie. I owe you". "Now bring me anything that belongs to Hayley". "I'll be right back". He said before walking out and I began to prepare the items required to do a locator spell.

Hayley's pov :

One moment I was walking back to the car with Klaus and the next thing I remember was floating in the air, my limbs being stretched and within a whim, I was out of the woods. And thrown into the debris of what looked like an abandoned castle by a coven of witches. My body ached from whatever the witches did and also from last night. I was lying on the cold, hard ground. Rubbles poking my face and giving me a feeling of discomfort.

I got up and tried to get out of here but after walking a few feet, I felt an invisible barrier restrict me from going further. And not only did it restrict me, it burnt my skin. I screamed in agony and stepped back. "Whoever you are, let me get the hell out of here!". I screamed. "Calm down now, wolf girl. You don't want to make us mad". A woman with pale skin and raven hair said and raised her hand and pointed it towards me. Motus. She said and in a second, my body collided with the wall behind me. The back of my head started bleeding. I knew as I felt blood flow down my neck. "Keep that attitude and tone in check or I do that again and again". She spatted and left me alone.

After she left, I noticed I wasn't healing. The witches might have tampered with my healing ability. I brought my knees to my chest and sat down. I rested my head on the top of my knees. It hurt. It hurt everywhere. I wanted to go home. You don't have one. It was as though an inner voice was telling me. Right. I had no one to pull me out of this. No home to go back to. No one in this world to care enough for me to find me. Maybe this was it for me. Maybe I wouldn't have to run anymore. I thought to myself. I couldn't take it anymore. Involuntarily, tears streamed down my face and I drifted farther away from any glimmer of hope.

Bonnie's pov :

I set up candles and salt in patterns that would help me draw energy for the spell, in the centre, I laid a map and on top of the map, I placed a locket of Hayley's which Klaus got amongst her belongings. Phasmatos tribum, nas ex viras, saqueta sanguinem. I chanted till the locket metal melted and the liquid began to run through the map. "That's it!". I exclaimed when the melted metal stopped at 200 kilometres away from Mystic Falls, at a place named Birchfield. Klaus stepped closer to have a look. "Thank you, Bonnie. I have to go now". He said turning around to leave. "Klaus, wait. Let us come with you. Hayley helped me in a crucial time. I owe this to her". Tyler said as Caroline nodded in agreement. "I'll come too. You could always use a witch's help. You don't know what's out there". I said. Klaus was about to open his mouth in protest but I felt like he zoned out for a second. "Okay. Fine. The four of us are leaving then". He said and we nodded. "Wait let us come along too". Stefan said and Elena and Matt stepped forward too. "No. I don't want to risk your lives. It's dangerous out there. Whoever those witches are, they are tremendously powerful. So please". Klaus said. Klaus Mikaelson thinking about others was as rare as a Halley's Comet. "But-". Elena began to speak but Klaus cut her off. "No, Elena. I'd like you, Stefan and Matt to stay here. Whatever is happening is dangerous. Stay here in case anything happens. Meanwhile, we're gonna go and get Hayley". "What's wrong with Hayley? Where is she?". We turned to look at the door and saw Damon stood there. Shock and confusion written all over him. He charged towards Klaus and tugged on the collars of Klaus' jacket. "What did your vile ass do to her?" Damon angrily asked him. Klaus shoved Damon's hands off him and clenched his jaw. "I have no time for this, Damon. Not now. I have to find her". Klaus said began to walk away but Damon held him back. "I'm coming along. With you being around, her life might probably be in more danger than it already is from what I'm sensing". Damon said with gritted teeth. "You aren't". Klaus was getting furious. I needed to stop it. "Enough, you both. Damon, Klaus and I are going. Caroline and Tyler, you are staying back. Please". I said and everyone seemed to agree.

Klaus, Damon and I walked out . I grabbed my grandmother's grimoire and left. We got into Klaus' car. Klaus was driving, Damon was seated beside him and I was in back, flipping through the grimoire.

Klaus' pov :

I drove as fast as I could. All I could think about was saving Hayley. I'm on my way little wolf. I thought to myself and drove even faster if it was possible.

A.N : that's it for chapter 9! sorry for the wait bffs ! much love ❤️

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