chapter 16 ; cold skin

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A.N : I'll try to be as consistent as i can. happy reading ❤️

Klaus' pov :

After telling the incidents that had led to Hayley's condition to Kol, he had offered to check in on her.

I knocked on her door with Kol stood by my side. "Hayley, I'm here with Kol. He just wants to check in on you once. Is it alright?". I said from the other side of the door. "Yeah sure. Just a moment". She called out and opened the door with a few seconds. Kol and I let ourselves in. "Hello, Hayley. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Kol. Nik's younger brother. Pleased to meet you and I'm profoundly sorry that you had to go through so much trouble". Kol said it out at once calmly and he was on his best behaviour. "Hi, Kol. Pleased to meet you as well. And it's alright. I'm better. All thanks to your brother. I don't know what I would've done without him". Hayley replied, looking at me whilst on the last sentence. "Well Nik is a sweetheart when he wants to be. Don't let his cold exterior deceive you". Kol said playfully to which Hayley chuckled softly. "Anyways, darling, would you just allow me to check once real quick? I was a warlock in my human days and I still hold love for witchcraft in my heart due to which I never lost touch with studies regarding it. Nik tells me that you've been through a lot of spells in the last few hours and that you're burning up. I just want to make sure everything is okay. Is that fine by you?". Kol asked her to which she nodded and replied, "Yeah, Kol. Sure. Thanks for the generosity. I'm really grateful". "Oh you're always welcome. Please take a seat". Kol said as Hayley obliged and sat on the edge of the bed. Kol grabbed one of the chairs and sat himself from across her so he could examine properly. I sat beside her with my hands crossed above my lap as Kol examined her.

A few moments later, Kol spoke up. "Well darling, there's no witchy hex going on with you right now and the fever is just a repercussion of the repetitive and abrupt shift of magic in blood and considering your body functions like that of a human being except for on full moon nights, it might be because of the weather too". On hearing this, I took a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness". I whispered. "You seem more worried than she herself is, brother". Kol said mischievously with a smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore his remark. "Is she going to be alright or do we need a witch?". I enquired of Kol. "Relax, Nik. All she needs is some humanly care. A few medicines, proper nutrition and rest". Kol assured but I got anxious at the thought of medicine since it's healing capabilities are not nearly as fast as vampire blood. "Can't my blood heal her? It will be quicker and it most definitely is more trustworthy than medicine". I retorted. Kol rolled his eyes to which I gritted my teeth. While Hayley put her cold palm around my entwined fists in an assuring manner and squeezed them as lightly as the touch of a feather. "Klaus, you heard him. Humanly care". She said and gave me one of her beautiful smiles. Even in sickness, she looked beautiful and even in coldness, the touch of her palm provided warmth and comfort to me somehow. She was beautiful. She was beautiful to me. I nodded in agreement. "Fine, if that's what you want". I said and reciprocated her smile.

"Alright then. I must take my leave now. Nik will take good care of you, Hayley. Don't worry he won't bite". Kol said and I rolled my eyes at him for the hundredth time. Hayley just chuckled and said, "Goodnight, Kol. And thank you. Sleep well". "You too, darling. Night, Nik". He said as he took his leave and closed the door behind him leaving Hayley and I alone in the room.

A veil of silence covered the room for a good few moments. We were sat right where we were when Kol had been in the room. Both of us sat at the edge of the bed. The silence continued to prevail till Hayley decided to disturb it. "As you heard, I'm fine. I just happen to be not as invincible as you". She playfully said. I chuckled softly and turned to look at her. I don't know what came over me but I scooted closer to her. To my satisfaction, it didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Her face was still in hues of pink due to the fever when she nervously smiled at my gesture. I turned around in my position even more and I caressed her face. I ran my hands through her long, chestnut brown tresses and stopped at her jaw. I put my hand behind her neck such that my thumb was grazing against her jaw, all the way up to her cheek. She shivered under my touch but leaned in comfortably within a second or two. My intent gaze was on her and hers, downwards. But she connected hers with mine when she looked up. Her emerald green eyes met mine. I took her in. From her highly arched eyebrows to her cat shaped eyes, to her sharp nose and cheekbones and to her rosy lips. Sudden flashbacks of the incident from last night at the woods flooded my mind. The image of her in a helpless, scared and hurt vividly made it's way into my mind. Her red eyes, tear-stained and bruised cheeks and trembling lips floated in front of my eyes and I found myself getting angry. I wanted to rip the head off of that bloody vampire's body who dared to touch her, violate her and hurt her. I was snapped out of my state of pensive thoughts by her soft voice. "Klaus? Is everything alright?". She softly asked. I nodded in response. I couldn't manage to voice a response out. I brought her closer and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. Her breathing had steadied. She held my hand on her neck and kept it there for a few seconds. The sensation left by the cold skin of her palm stayed even after she withdrew her hand. I disconnected my lips from her forehead and looked at her. I removed my hand from her neck and kept it under her chin and lifted her face up as gently as possible and looked her in the eye. "Don't worry, you're safe with me. I'll not let anything happen to you. I promise you no one will touch you as long as I'm here". I said and waited for her to say something in response. But instead, she closed the distance between us by wrapping her arms around my neck. I immediately wrapped mine around her waist and held her closer and tighter if it was even possible. She rested her chin on my shoulder and whispered, "I trust you, Klaus. More than you know". My chin rested on the top of her head and I placed a kiss on her crown. I cared about her. I really did. She had an affect on me that no woman in a thousand years had had. I cared. And I was not going to let anyone hurt her in any way possible.

Hayley's pov :

Klaus made me feel something I had never felt and I thought I never would. He made me feel safe, cared for and that I mattered. Back at the castle in my captive state when that particular witch had told me that no one would ever come for me, I believed her. I was convinced that there was no one in this world who cared enough for me. True, I had no one. But only before I crossed paths with Klaus.

Klaus and I stayed in each others' warm embrace and I never wanted to break this. I never wanted to leave his embrace and be met by the harsh cold. But that was inevitable. We both broke apart at the same time. He smiled at me and said, "Let's get you to bed, love". I nodded and got into the bed. He walked over and pulled the duvet over me and made me comfortable. In other words, he tucked me in. Like one would do to a child. I chuckled at the thought. He raised his eyebrow questioningly and asked, "What's so funny, little wolf?". "Apart from you tucking me in like I am all but six, nothing". I replied. He softly smiled and ran his hand over my forehead. "Well I call you little wolf for a reason, right?". He said and grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, trying to hold back an involuntary smile that had made its way to my face. "Besides, you need to be taken care of". He added and I nodded. He left my side only to make sure that the windows were tightly locked. After he made sure of it, he pulled the curtains in. He walked back to my side and said, "So, you're safe. And if you need anything, please call for me. I'll be in the room right next to yours". He said and I nodded and said, "Yes, I will". "Alright then. Good night, love. Sleep well". He said. "Good night, Klaus. You too". I said and we both smiled at each other. He turned on his heels and on reaching the door and twisting the knob, he took one final look at me before leaving for tonight and he gave me a small smile. I returned the gesture. He turned the lights off before walking past the threshold. He closed the door behind him and walked to his room and I heard as the footsteps receded. I turned on my side and reached for the switch of the bedside lamp. But due to the traumatizing events of the day and the night before, a shiver ran down my spine and I decided on leaving the lights on. I turned on my side and drifted into oblivion as I fell asleep.

A.N : that's it for this chapter and i'll probably updating my klayley AU book before I update the next chapter for this. GO CHECK IT OUT IF YOU ALREADY HAVEN'T !! and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for this. the algorithm has messed up the rankings for this and the reach has been dead. TY ILY ❤️

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