chapter 17 ; he looks like god

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A.N : Updating after ages , you guys. I'm so sorry for leaving y'all hanging. Happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

I woke up from a deep and comfortable slumber at the Mikaelson mansion at around 7 in the morning. I was pretty sure the last time I slept this comfortably with luxe duvets over me and silk sheets underneath me was when I was still under the care of the Marshalls. They weren't as wealthy as Klaus and his family but they were fairly wealthy. They provided me with good care and good stuff and immense love till they found out that I am a beast. When they kicked me out, initially I missed the luxury of life. Expensive dresses, shoes, clothes and what not. It's weird now when I think about how I was extremely girly and preppy when I had the access to such stuff. But as time went by, I learnt that it wasn't everything. I toughened up and soon, all my girly activities slipped away. Not like I could afford fancy stuff anyway. In the past few hours, I found myself thinking a lot about my adoptive parents. The family that turned their backs on me. I guessed it was the presence of Klaus and his family that led to me feeling so.

After some lamenting, I rolled out of the comfortable bed knowing this couldn't happen forever. I walked to the window and pulled the curtains out and let the sunlight and it's warmth penatrate the beautiful room. I watched the crystal skies. As I watched over, I found myself drowning in thoughts again. I realized I needed to find a solution to my financial problems. I decided to stay in Mystic Falls for a while. I had a solid lead about my biological parents and family but with the Deep Water Alpha after me, it wouldn't be wise to leave Mystic Falls. Not alone at least. I hated to be dependent on Klaus but he had something which I didn't. Allies. And on top of that, he cared about me for some reason and was determined to protect me so leaving Mystic Falls was out of the question. The Crescents have to wait till the Deep Water Alpha issue is resolved. Besides, my death would mean the Crescents' loss of their last hope. I will definitely go fight for them when the time is right which isn't now. I have to work and make sure I'm safe. With Klaus looking out for me, it became a lot easier. I wasn't gonna take advantage of him. I was gonna help him in anyway I could for the protection he extended towards me. But his protectiveness, his care and his tenderness felt too good to be true. I found myself blushing like a teenager yet again as my head filled with thoughts of Klaus. I hadn't been treated this well by any guy and I never thought I would. I began to find such acts of sweetness that girls gushed about corny and it was funny to me how when it happened to me, it happened because of none other than the only one of his kind, the repulsive hybrid and the murderer. I smiled to myself and shook my head as I snapped out of my thoughts and stepped away from the window.

Before getting ready for the day, I decided to unpack some of my clothes and essentials. The room had a beautifully built wooden closet. However, I didn't want to act as though the house was mine so instead of occupying the entire space in the closet and the drawers and the dressing, I just occupied one portion and put my essentials and clothes that I regularly used in only. The rest would be just fine in my suitcases I figured and I anyway didn't have an abundance of clothes and whatever.

After unpacking, I stepped into the bathroom. Just like the room, the bathroom was extremely luxe too. Klaus had amazing taste and was efficiently putting his riches to use. I stripped down and made my way to the shower area and twisted the knob of the faucet. The warm water hit my skin and trailed all the way down. As the water traveling down my body caused a sensation, images from the night before flooded my mind. The haunting feeling of violation, humiliation and pain crept back in. It was burned at the back of my mind for life. I may not think about it every minute but I could never unlearn it. I sighed as I twisted the knob back and the water stopped running. I stepped out of the shower and walked to the mirror. I started staring at my naked body. I subconsciously ran my hands over the places where that vampire bit me. I wanted to break into tears but I found myself unable to. I decided to shrug it off and wrapped myself in a towel and step out. I dried myself and pulled clothes out. I decided on a light blue long sleeve and black jeans and dressed myself.

I stepped out of the room and into the corridor. As I closed the door behind me, I noticed that it was eerily silent in the Mikaelson mansion. But then again, it was just Klaus and Kol in there. But I thought Klaus would've been awake already considering it was nearing to 8 in the morning. I shrugged it anyway and turned to go downstairs to the kitchen to see if there were any arrangements for breakfast at all. I mean the chances were slim considering I was under the roof where five 1000 year old vampires lived. But before I stepped down, I changed my mind. I just wanted to roam around the corridor. I mean it wasn't like I was entering rooms without permission so I went ahead. I marched towards the opposite wing to where the room I was living in was. I laid my eyes on the beautiful wallpapers and decorations and the paintings that adorned the walls. I walked back and passed my room and as I did, that comfortable scent of a certain someone hit my nose. Then I took a couple steps forward and found the door to his room ajar. I slowly took another step forward and the scent got a little stronger. I stood at the threshold and let my eyes travel to his bed and then gradually to him sleeping peacefully on it. My eyes lingered at the sight and I took it in. His light skin was radiant against the white duvet over him, covering only a little of his naked torso. His dirty blonde locks were ruffled against the pillow he laid his head on. And his face, so beautiful and soft and glorious at the same time. He looked annoyingly handsome. Like a freaking Greek God. I found my breath hitch at the sight. I was shaken out of my trance by another familiar voice. "Did I interrupt your....admiration session, darling?". Kol said, smirking. I sighed softly and said. "No, Kol. It's nothing like that. I was just wandering around the corridor and I found his door wide open so I was just...curious. I swear I didn't invade his privacy ". I replied getting all nervous. Kol smirked wider and said, "Of course you didn't. Because it was I who did. I came in looking for this black leather jacket of Nik's that I'm wearing right now. As silly as it may sound it's true though". I sighed once again and said, "Well it could've waited right? Till he woke up?". "No it couldn't have. I was simply in the mood of annoying him today and you see, this jacket happens to be his favorite. And besides, if I hadn't, you would've missed the lovely sight you were staring at before I rudely interrupted it". He said the last part leaning a little closer to my ear. I gulped down and decided to pull his leg a little. "Lovely sight? Kol are you seeing okay? That's your brother in there not some other random hot guy". I asked faking concern but it backfired as he smirked yet again and said, "Ah! Someone here thinks Nik is hot and that someone surely isn't his brother". I rolled my eyes and mouthed "whatever". Kol chuckled and I did too. "Anyways, how are you feeling?". Kol asked. "I feel a lot better this morning. I still feel a little weak but the fever has gone down. The fact that I was sick had totally slipped my mind till you asked". He nodded and continued, "I think your healing abilities have begun functioning the way they're supposed to". I nodded in agreement. Kol was about to say something but he was interrupted by Klaus stretching his arms out as he woke up and lifted his back from the bed. Before he acknowledged our presence, he ran his fingers through his hair. I took another moment to admire him. The pace of my heartbeat quickened a little at the mere sight of him. He suddenly turned to look at us and his eyes widened at 1, the door to his room wide-open and 2, his brother and I looking over at him. He asked in surprise, "Hayley, Kol, what are you both doing here and why was the door open in the first place?". "As for the opened door, it would be me but I was here for this jacket". Kol said matter-of-factly while running his hands through Klaus' jacket that he was wearing. Klaus clenched his jaw clearly annoyed by his younger brother which meant that Kol successfully annoyed him first in the morning. Kol smirked in victory and turned to leave but before he did, he decided to give me a hard time as he said, "Oh and I don't know what Wolfie here was here for though but I'm pretty sure I caught her gawking at you ". Kol said and vamped away. I felt tensed and was ready for Klaus' rage. I looked back at him but to my surprise there wasn't a single trace of anger on his features. Instead, a gorgeous smile graced his beautiful face. His smile was already infectious but something about the same smile being flashed at me with him being most likely fully naked and with messy hair had me weak on my knees. "I-I was just wandering around the corridor and found the door to your room wide-open and I came to have a look out of....curiosity but then Kol explained his little plan to annoy you. I swear I wasn't trying anything". I explained. He just smiled and said, "Relax, love. I would never doubt your intentions. Don't mind my idiot brother". I returned his smile with one of my own and lightly nodded. "Well, see you downstairs for breakfast?". I asked and looked at him for an answer. "Yes, little wolf. Just give me a few minutes". I nodded and walked away.

A.N : I had 0 intentions of even working on this today, let alone publishing but I guess here we are. So I hope you enjoyed this. Please vote and suggestions and feedbacks are always welcome ❤

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