chapter 15 ; you're special

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A.N : hello everyone! i was held up for a month and a half due to exams and hence i couldn't update. but i'm back now! thanks for being patient. happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

We chatted while dining for quite a while. After around 40 minutes, we were done. "I feel astronomically better. I really needed to eat". I said as i wiped my lips clean with a tissue. "See, told you so". Klaus replied as he smiled. "Let's get going, love. It's late". He said and I nodded. We both got up. He slid his phone in the pocket of his jeans and put mine in my purse. We made our way towards the reception to pay the bill.

On reaching the reception, the receptionist greeted us with a smile and proceeded to calculate. She handed the bill to Klaus and he immediately reached for his wallet but I stopped his hand midway. "Wait, stop. This is on me. Please don't refuse". I pleaded with my hand never leaving his. "But-", he tried to retort but I stopped him. "No. It's only fair. Please let me". I ssid and smiled at him. He nodded in defeat. I paid the amount and waited for the receptionist to hand me the change. "Here's the change, Miss". I smiled at her and thanked her. Then I looked at Klaus and we walked out of the Grill.

As soon as I stepped out the main door, the chilly wind hit each nerve of my body and I shivered. I was clad in just a satin blouse with a deep neckline. Thank God it was at least full-sleeved. Klaus noticed my discomfort and gently touched my arm from behind. "Are you alright ? Is it too cold?". He asked with utmost genuinety. "Yeah, a little. It's alright though". I replied. "Let's going quick". He said and he paced up towards his car.

He opened the passenger's side of the door and I quickly slipped in and he closed it. He got in the driver's seat and put his seat belt on, as I did mine. I rubbed my palms together as I found them freezing. He was about to start but he noticed me rubbing my palms rigorously against each other. "Hayley, are you feeling alright ? Because it isn't that abnormally cold yet". He enquired with pure concern. "Yeah, I am. I just- I don't know. Maybe because I grew up in Florida". I tried to shrug it off by saying so but he wasn't convinced. He put his index and middle finger under my chin and carefully examined my face. "Your cheeks are red". He said as his thumb caressed my cheek slowly. "It's nothing, Klaus. You're probably just worrying too much. Let's get going". He pulled his hands back without saying anything and started the car.

Klaus' pov :

The drive to the mansion was rather silent. But Hayley was shivering. She was trying hard to hide it but with my super-hearing, I could hear it. I turned the car heater on at a mild level. After a few moments, she calmed down. But I wasn't ready to let it go yet.

After an almost 10 minutes drive, we reached the mansion. I got out first and closed the door behind me. Then I got the door for her and she got out. Her arms wrapped around herself. She was just in a satin blouse and was shivering. I closed the door for her. "Let's get you inside fast and let's get you warm". I said as I put my arm behind her lightly. She moved a little closer to me and we walked towards the main door. The door was unlocked, which meant Kol was home. Rebekah wouldn't be back before the next day and Elijah and Finn would require two more days. I twisted the knob and let us in and closed the door behind me. Kol sensed our presence and dramatically trudged down the stairs. "I almost thought that all my siblings have abandoned me. Yet again". He spoke out with an even more dramatic expression to which I rolled my eyes. "So who's the lucky thing you brought home? Let me have a look". Kol said as he stepped down. "Piss off, Kol. And she's Hayley and I didn't bring her home. She's going to stay with us a few days. Got a problem with that?". I asked with a fake smile plastered on my face which I did to indirectly tell Kol to leave us alone. He smirked and seemed to have got the hint. "Ah! Of course, brother. Unlike you, I don't jeopardize the love life of my siblings, y'know". Kol said with a devilish smirk. I clenched my jaw and walked with Hayley towards the stairs. As I past Kol, he held my arm and stopped me and I let Hayley walk a few steps ahead. "Even though it's just me here tonight, keep it down brother. I wouldn't like to be bothered by the sounds of your lovemaking. Super-hearing and all y'know". Kol smirked and patted my arm. "I assure you it's nothing like that, brother". I sternly said. "Whatever you say, Nik. Have a great night. Both of you". He said the last sentence loud enough with a teasing tone for Hayley to hear. She just turned back and smiled at him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as Kol walked downstairs and we walked upstairs.

We reached the first floor where mine and Rebekah's rooms were along with two other guest rooms. I wanted Hayley to stay close. So I opened the room closest to mine. There still were finishing touches to be made to the rooms which I decided I would have done by tomorrow. "You can stay here. There are still some touches to be made. I hope it's okay". I said to her. She looked at me and smiled. "It's more than okay. It's beautiful". She smiles at me and then turns around to admire the sage green coloured room, adorned with cream silk curtains, intricately designed furnitures, dark hardwood floor. The only things left to be done were the carpeting and varnishing of the furnitures. "I've slept in gloomy and musty motels mostly for over a year. Sometimes in tents in the middle of some woods with mostly men around. This is something I could never afford for myself". She said timidly. My heart ached listening to her for some reason. She swiftly turned to look at me and took a step towards me. "Tell me, Klaus. How do I repay you? For the room, for all of it. Why did you rescue me that night and today? Why are you doing this for me?". She asked with childlike curiosity. I was at loss of words. I didn't know how to answer her questions. I wasn't sure if I knew the answers myself. I brought myself to look into her eyes. "Honestly, Hayley I don't know. But you're different from all the people I've ever met. I guess that makes you special". I said with a small but genuine smile and slightly raised my shoulders. She smiled back and stepped closer, the distance between us getting lesser. What she did next was totally uncalled for. She reached for my hands and held them together and looked into my eyes. "I cannot thank you enough. I don't have enough words to thank you. And I know I haven't lived remotely as long as you but you're different too. From all the people I've ever made. Guess that makes you special too". She said with a small chuckle. She was beautiful. My gaze fixed on her face and that's when I noticed that the redness in her cheeks still hadn't lessened. My soft expression changed into a worried one as I freed my hands from hers only to cup her face with one of my hands. As soon as my palm came in contact with her skin, I felt a the surface of my palm heat up. She was burning up. "Bloody hell, you're burning up". I said as I touched her forehead with the back of my palm to be sure of it. She was burning up. "Do you still feel cold?". I asked. "Yeah, a little. But a fever? Out of nowhere?". She asked back. "It could be from the repetitive use of spells on you today but I'm not sure of it". I said and she nodded. "Why don't you just go and get changed real quick and then get some sleep? Your luggage is in the car. I'll be back with it in a moment, okay?". I said earning a nod of agreement from her.

I vamp speeded to the car in the garage and I was back with her luggage in a minute. When I came back, she wasn't in the room. "Hayley, where are you?". I called for her. "Don't worry, Klaus. I'm in the bathroom. I'm almost done. Can you just please leave the luggage and give me a few minutes to change?". She replied from the other side of the door. "Alright. Take your time". I said before I left her to her privacy. I hoped I wasn't being too prying or pushy or annoying. I closed the door of her room behind me and walked to the kitchen.

On entering the kitchen, I found Kol already there, sitting at the table with a blood-filled glass at his side, scrolling through his phone. Kol had quickly become fond of technology after being daggered for a century. He acknowledged my presence and took his eyes off his phone to look up at me. "What happened? Wasn't the sex good? It's barely been 20 minutes, brother". He said which made my blood boil. "Kol, I've already told you it's nothing like that. She's just- She- Well She-". I stuttered as I didn't know what we were. I didn't know if we were exactly friends. Kol chuckled and shook his head. "Say no more, Nik. I got it. Anyways, what's with her staying here?". Kol asked. I had no choice but to tell him the long story that led to this. So I sat down beside him at the table and poured myself a glass of blood as well.

We had both downed the blood in our glasses by the time I had finished narrating the events of the last approximate 24 hours. I let out a sad sigh as I finished. "My God, that's awful. Poor thing didn't deserve any of it. I'm sorry about being a dick and assuming the nasty between you two. How is she holding up?". Kol asked sincerely. "She's burning up. Could be due to the constant damage her body has received since last night and today and from repetitive spells on her. I'm not sure". I said. "Well, as I was a warlock before we turned, would you mind if I checked?". Kol offered. I obviously couldn't deny it. Infact it was a great idea. "Absolutely not. She's upstairs. Let's go". I said and he nodded. We both got up from the table and made our way upstairs.

A.N : so that's it for this chapter and this is a little longer than my usual. i hope you all like it ❤️

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