chapter 3 ; drink with me

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A.N : hey everyone ! thank you for all the love on the previous chapter ! it means so much to me ! happy reading ❤️

Hayley's pov :

Damon and I were sat by the bar, waiting for the bartender to bring us our drinks. We talked for what felt like hours. "So Hayley, where are you planning on staying in Mystic Falls?" Damon asked. "I initially thought of taking a room at a motel but Tyler insisted on me staying over at his mansion. I mean it's HUGE right?", i said. "Oh that's great. Although, you might want to close your door tonight if you want to since Tyler is reuniting with his lover", he said with a mischievous smirk and then let out a laugh after I gasped and hit his arm playfully.

"Your drinks, sir, ma'am", said the bartender as he placed the drinks in front of us. "Hey I just realized we skipped the formalities and the small talks. So tell me about yourself, Hayley. Where are you from? How old are you? Just the usuals, you know". Damon asked. "I grew up in Florida. I'm 19 years old. I'm now officially an orphan since my adoptive parents since I was 3, the Marshalls, kicked me out a year ago just after I turned 18 and triggered my werewolf curse. They didn't even think about it twice and threw out the girl they raised and called their daughter proudly for 15 years. They think I'm a monster. And as for my birth parents, I have no idea. I'm actually on a search for them. That's how I met Tyler at the Appalachians". I said with almost no emotion. Although I do admit I loved my adoptive parents very much and they loved me too before I turned into a monster and yes, I do miss them and thinking about the good, old times with them saddens me as well. There'd been nights initially where I'd have no money on me and had slept by the street benches in the cold. The thought of them sent a shiver down my spine and saddened me and I lowered my head. Damon took a few moments to take in all I said and noticed my sudden shift in mood. He turned to me and placed his finger under my chin and lifted it gently to look me in the eye. "Hayley, I- I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked that. I've clearly upset you. I- I'm....sorry" . He said and let out a sad sigh. I smiled and brought a hand of mine to his that had been holding my chin up. "It's okay, Damon. You are fine. I'm over it mostly. It's just that....I feel lonely whenever I think about my old life with my adoptive parents. That's it, really". I said and brought our hands, now intertwined down to my lap. "I won't lie to you and say that the pain is gonna subside one day. The truth is, we all just learn to live with it. And you, Hayley, are a very strong woman. You'll become the most beautiful and strongest version of yourself and I know you will get past this. I know I've just met you, but trust me, I know you will". He said and gave me a soft and warm smile. "Thank you so much for the honesty, Damon. I appreciate it very much". I thanked him and we went back to drinking and a less intense conversation.

Klaus' pov :

After Hayley left me alone, I brushed the thought of her away and went around to look for Caroline. I always somehow mess things up with Caroline. It's so hard to pretend to be someone she'd like, someone she'd fall for. It's so hard not being yourself. But I wasn't gonna give up so easily. So I look for her everywhere.

After a few minutes of looking for her, the sight of Hayley and Damon seated together by the bar, with their hands intertwined in each others' caught my eyes. The pretty little wolf already has Damon Salvatore wrapped around her finger isn't it. I thought to myself and smirked.

At this, I found myself going towards the both of them. I knew I had to continue looking for Caroline but I couldn't help it. It's as though my feet weren't under the voluntary control of my mind.

"Damon, mate, what do you think of this extravagant ball ? My dearest sister, Rebekah has outdone herself don't you think ? Well, she's been doing a lot of things lately, am I right?". I told Damon and smirked at him and my smirk grew even bigger at the last part since I made known of the fact that I was aware of Rebekah's and his little fling. Damon looked down in embarrassment. "Oh! I totally forgot what I had actually come for. Stefan's looking for you". I said and patted his back lightly as I watched him smile at Hayley and her returning it back with an agreeing nod and he walked away. As I watched him disappear into the crowd, I turned back and smiled to look at Hayley who had been looking at Damon leaving and smiling. But her smile dropped the instant she faced to look at me. However, mine didn't. "Don't you have the least bit shame? Talking about your sister like that?" . Hayley asked me, with a disgusted expression. "Well as you said, love, I'm an eternal dick". I said as I sat myself in the same spot where Damon had been in. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at her gesture. "Don't show those little dimples of yours. It makes you ten times more annoying than you already are". She said and started to walk away. But I held her by the wrist. "Running away, Little Wolf? C'mon now, have a drink with me". I said with a smile to infuriate her and it worked as she glared at me. "Have a drink with you? That's the last thing I, or for that matter any woman would want to do". She said to me and freed herself from my grip and left me alone again. I know it's just been one conversation between me and Hayley but I already love annoying her. I chuckled lightly to myself as I watched her leave.

A.N : that's it for chapter 3 ! i'll be updating soon and yes ! Klaus is now going to try to come between Damon and Hayley XD

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