chapter 4 ; wildflower

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A.N : happy reading y'all ❤️

Hayley's pov :

I swear to God I'm getting annoyed by Klaus intervening all the damn time. He embarrassed Damon in front of me thinking I'd change my perception of Damon by whatever he said about Damon and his sister's fling. Well bold enough of him to assume I'd care about anything his ancient ass says. Dick. He must have used his vampire superhearing to eavesdrop on I and Damon's conversation and decided to ruin it. He's really beginning to work my nerves up. I breathed in deeply and calmed myself down as I was walking around looking for Tyler and Caroline once again since I had nothing else to do with Damon being gone. I was walking down the hallway.

After a few minutes of unsuccessful searching for them, I decided to go back by the bar. As I was walking towards the bar, I saw Tyler and Caroline with a few others seated there. I increased my pace as much as I could in these heels. "There you are", I said on reaching them and Caroline and Tyler stood up. "Hayley, are you alright? I'm so sorry for leaving you alone with Klaus. Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you? It's okay, you can tell me and I swear if he-", Caroline said it all in one breath with her hand on my shoulder before getting cut off by me. "It's fine, Caroline. Klaus did nothing. I'm alright". I said and she sighed in relief. "Thank God. I was lowkey worried about what Klaus might do you. He's a diabolical piece of crap and extremely unsafe to be around most times. But Tyler kept on assuring me that you'd be fine so that's that". Caroline said and I put my palm on her shoulder and gave her an assuring look. "It's okay, Caroline. I really appreciate your concern. But Klaus didn't harm me". I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and motioned for me to sit with them.

Klaus' pov :

"Thank God. I was lowkey worried about what Klaus might do to you. He's a diabolical piece of crap and extremely unsafe to be around most times". I heard Caroline say these words from across the room and a wave of hurt hit me. Is that what the girl I'm in love with thinks of me? She sees me as a monster after I showed her the very best of me? Her words stung my heart and I was shattered. Profoundly hurt. I walked out of the room as fast as I could and went outside for some air.

Hayley's pov :

I got introduced to Elena, Bonnie, Matt and Rebekah. They were all nice people. Well at least Matt was a nice person. The others were nice vampires and Bonnie, a nice witch. Also, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that someone as nice as Rebekah was Klaus' sister. We ordered a round of drinks and while we waited for the bartender to come back with them, Damon walked in along with another man of about the same height and brown hair.

"Stefan! Hey man, how have you been?", Tyler said as he got up and hugged Stefan and Stefan hugged him back. "I'm fine, Tyler. You tell me, where have you been? Caroline was sick worried about you and so were we". Stefan said. "Great question, I was in the Appalachians trying to break my sire bond to Klaus. There, I met Hayley and she helped me break it". Tyler said, pointing towards me at the last part. "Oh! Hey, Hayley. I'm Stefan and this is my brother Damon". Stefan said as he shook my hand. "Hi, Stefan. And I've already met your brother". I said and looked at Damon and smiled at them both. Damon and Stefan both sat down and we all talked some more over a couple more rounds of drinks.

Klaus' pov :

I stepped out to the balcony and stood there in silence. Away from the crowd. Caroline's words echoed through my mind. I stood with my fists against the banisters. I tried to regain my composure and took a deep breath. I wasn't going to let Caroline's mere words affect this night. After all, it is a very special night for my family after centuries. I took one last deep breath and walked into the room again.

As I entered, I heard soft music play. It was time for a dance again. I rolled my eyes and started to leave again but Rebekah pulled me in. "C'mon Nik, don't be such a bore. Find a partner and dance". Rebekah said to me and dragged me to the dance floor. I stepped back because I had no partner to dance with and stood a few steps away from the where the dance was to happen. I turned to my right to see Hayley standing there alone and looking at Tyler and his friends with a smile on her face. I was a little confused as to why she wasn't getting ready for a dance. I thought Damon would be dancing with her but then I turned again to look at him dancing with Bonnie. Probably because he was her escort tonight since Bonnie's boyfriend, Enzo was out of town for some work and Damon was her bestfriend. I turned to look at Hayley and smirked. "Your escort dropped your hand, I see", I said with a smirk. "Sounds like you would know, Klaus", she said with a smirk bigger than mine. "I know you were Caroline's escort tonight. She told me over drinks", she added. I nodded and watched the people getting ready for the dance. Suddenly Rebekah showed up and pulled me and Hayley into the dance floor. "C'mon you two, pair up as neither of you have much of a choice anymore. None of you are getting away with this", Rebekah said with a victorious smile and joined Matt. I rolled my eyes and looked at Hayley who was beyond annoyed. I looked at her for a second and before I could say anything, the music started and I pulled her closer to me by her waist with a hand and the other intertwined with hers. She was surprised for a second but then she relaxed and put her free hand on my shoulder. She wouldn't look at me though and that was beginning to bug me. So my grip on her waist tightened and I pulled her a little closer. She gasped a little and looked straight into my eyes as I looked at hers. Her foxy green eyes were beyond beautiful. Her long lashes accentuated them even more. She had beautiful and flawless skin. Her cheekbones gave her beautiful face more structure. She broke the gaze with an eye roll. "Will you be staying in Mystic Falls for a while, Hayley?". I asked. "Not that it's any of your business but yes, I do plan on staying here for a while. Mystic Falls seems nice. Would be nicer if you weren't here though". She said. I chuckled just a little. There was silence again and this time I caught her staring into my eyes . "Is there something in my eye?", I asked. "No. There isn't. It's seem a little sad". She said. My lips came into a straight line and I chose to ignore her remark. The tempo increased and I twirled her and caught her. Her back now pressed against my front and my face above the crook of her neck. She smelt like some rare wildflower and for a few moments, I felt a foreign feeling of comfort wash over me. I felt drawn to her scent and almost lost control over myself. But I stopped my self from inhaling further because I didn't want to creep her out. Me inhaling her scent wouldn't help with my normal breaths already fanning her neck. I felt her body tense in my arms. I spinned her again so we were facing each other again. Our proximity had increased. I heard the music fade and the dance ended. I was expecting some witty exchange of words again but instead, we smiled at each other, genuine ones and walked away as everyone did.

With that being the last dance of the night, the ball ended and every invitee returned home.

A.N : 4th chapter is here ! tell me if you liked the klayley moments in this ! much love ❤️

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