chapter 12 ; the motel

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A.N : so the reach has been dead lately but i decided on updating as much as possible anyways! happy reading ❤️

Klaus' pov :

After a drive of approximately 3 hours, we reached Mystic Falls. For now, danger was at bay but no way was I going to let Hayley stay alone in that motel. The Deep Water Alpha is surely after her or the witches are. I don't know why I felt the need to protect her. It was inexplicable.

Damon dropped Bonnie off at her place first and then drove to the Salvatore house. "Thanks for coming along today, Damon. I'm grateful. I couldn't have saved her today without yours and Bonnie's help". I said looking at Hayley who was peacefully asleep on the backseat while Damon and I were in his driveway. "Hayley is a nice girl, Klaus. We got along well at your ball and frankly speaking, I kind of liked her. But it seems like her affections have been reserved". Damon said with a playful smirk suggesting something. I felt a smile creep into my face. "Nonsense! Why would a girl like her want a vicious monster like me?". I said unable to wipe the smile off my face. "Klaus, look. We weren't born as vampires. We were humans once as well. And believe it or not, we died as humans but the humanity didn't die. It's trapped somewhere inside us. We just need to let it out. God, I sound like Grandpa Stefan!". Damon said and made a disgusted expression at the last part. We both chuckled. Damon and I actually got along well. Sure we had our differences every now and then but Damon and I both knew how it felt to not be chosen and how it felt to be judged for embracing and accepting our nature. Damon and I both knew how it felt to meet upto expectations because of our noble and righteous brothers who only showed the good in them to the world and hid their bad deeds behind that veil of righteousness. "Or perhaps, it's the effect the lovely Elena has on you". I said with a suggestive smile. We all knew Damon loved Elena. He always denied it because he thought Elena would never choose him over the good, caring, sweet and humble Stefan. "I know what you're thinking right now. You think I'm gonna deny it right? I won't". He said with a sad smile. "Ah! You finally admitted it! This calls for a celebration. What about tomorrow? At the Grill at 8? Just the evil brothers, drowning their sorrows together? Alaric seems to be too busy these days with Dr. Fell if I'm not wrong". I said. "Sounds perfect. I'd rather be drinking with you than listen to Stefan's lectures about going on a squirrel blood diet". He said rolling his eyes at the last part and I chuckled. "Done then. Anyways mate, goodnight. I must get going". I said. "Night, man. Take care of Hayley". He said and brought me into a brotherly hug which I returned.

I got into the driver's seat and drove towards the motel Hayley was staying in. I figured she needed her stuff back if she was going to stay at ours. Hayley was still asleep at the back. I turned back for a second to look at her. I watched her sleep peacefully. I hated the fact that I had to wake her up to fetch her belongings. I couldn't leave her in the car alone and besides, rummaging through her belongings would be wrong.

We reached the motel and I got out of the car and opened the back door. I crouched down and tapped her shoulder. "Hayley, wake up. We're at the motel to fetch your belongings. C'mon". I said and she stirred and opened her eyes. She rubbed them with the back of her palms and faced to look at me. She got out of the car and was stood at my level. "What for will I fetch my things? I'm staying here, Klaus". She said calmly. "No. I'm sure they are after you. I can't let that happen to you again". I said. "I can take care of myself. You've done more than enough for me and you barely even know me". She said. "I know you can but this is something dangerous. Even I couldn't have saved you alone today. Please listen to me". I said and gave her a persuasive look. She nodded.

We walked to her room after she took the keys from the reception. She insert the key and twisted the knob. I followed behind. "Hey, why don't you have a seat while I arranged my clothes?". She suggested. "I'll help you. That way it will be quicker". I said. "Klaus, you fought for me, drove me back here. Have some rest". I chuckled at her humanly concern for me. "I don't need rest, love. I don't get tired. I'm half vampire too remember?". I said and she rolled her eyes and said, "Fine then".

She walked to the closet and started taking her clothes out and handed them to me for me to put them in her bags. I put six piles in and when she handed me the seventh, I saw her undergarments on top. I looked at them in surprise for a second before she turned around swiftly in realisation and snatched them from me. "Crap, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that and make you feel awkward". She said and hit her forehead. I smirked and stepped closer to her. "Relax, love. I've been around for a thousand years. Nothing I haven't seen before". My smirk grew even bigger on seeing her gulping and hearing her heartbeat speed up. I stepped back and smiled in victory. "Right". She said and put the last piles in. "Can you give me a minute? I just want to clean up a little and change my clothes. I'm a mess". She said and I nodded.

After a minute or two, she stepped out of the washroom in a pair of light denim blue jeans and a black blouse with a plunging neckline. She had no makeup on and her brown hair was let down. She was looking gorgeous. Even without any makeup and extravagant hairstyle. I took her in and my breath hitched. She seemed to have noticed so she walked to the closet again. She grabbed her purse and put her money and wallet in. She also put Rebekah's clothes that she had been wearing in her bag to return them to Rebekah. "I'm done. Let's go". She turned to me and said and I nodded and we walked out of the room.

I placed her bags in the backseat and she sat in the passenger's seat. I got into the driver's seat and we started for the mansion. The sun had gone down already. I figured no one would be home and hence there wouldn't be any dinner. "My siblings aren't home yet and so there's no preparation for dinner at home most likely. Would you mind if we stopped at the Grill for a meal? I think you should eat". I said looking at her at the last part for an approval. "It's fine and yes, I could actually use a meal. I'm starving". She said and looked at me. "Alright then". I said and we drove to the grill.

A.N : hello bffs! so sorry for not updating for FIVE days 😭 anyways, that's it for chapter 12. and i won't be making damon and klaus fight over hayley that's so common 😭 i wanted them to be friends instead so yea ! much love ❤️

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