Ch. 54 7 is a Lucky Number

97 7 0

Erick and Jake prepare for the next round, now knowing things wouldn't be fair. It was their turn to pick the game challenge and they decided to continue on with the 2-on-2 with a different map.

I had synced my phone to me and sent Henry a message.

Henry. What are you doing right now?

"What did he say?" Jake asks hovering over me. Lucas was looking at the time.

"We got 4 minutes before the next round and they're still picking a map."

'Ms. Beaumont good to hear from you. I'm currently enjoying my evening off and am having a drink. It's called The Moon and is decorated very well, however the cost was astounding. A whole $15 for something so subpar. I suppose alcohol is alcohol, but none the less they should have higher standards.'

"He sounds upset." Oliver reads the message Henry sent and I groan.

"He probably is. Henry hates when he pays for something that is not worth it. Like it's a waste of money and, you know what, not the point," I say moving on.

Henry I apologize for your horrible drink, truly an unfortunate event. However, I have a predicament. The Klef's are cheating me out of a fair win and IDK what to do.


Yes, Cheating. They altered the game clip shown. Here let me send you a side-by-side.

"Can I have a copy of the side-by-side, Luke?" I ask.

"Sure, I sent a file to you. It might be against my contract, but at this point it's better to get the word out. Fuck this company."

I sent the clip attachment to Henry and waited for his response. At this point we had about 2 minutes before the next round.

'Interesting... let me inform a colleague of mine. He should have some opinions. Regardless of what happens next, I do have to inform you Ms. Beaumont, your mother has sent me a message on her decision to enroll you at a sister school on the east coast.'

I groan. I knew she wasn't happy but I thought she would at least be more understanding.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asks.

"Nothing," I say as I pull the screen down. He makes eye contact with me but I look away from him. Lucas knows me the best since we became friends first, but I don't want to talk about my mommy issues with him. He already knew they were bad, but I guess I missed the mark on exactly how bad they were.

"What did Henry say?" Jake asks me.

"He said he would inform a colleague, which is code for, I'm going to leak it. What a butler," I comment. 

"Bad press isn't good for a company," Lucas says.

"Well... any press is good press if you can spin it. I would know from my fair share of controversies," Jake says as he tightens his glove. "You ready pal?"

"Let's go," Erick says as he puts his fist out. Jake hits the top of it and they both look back at us. "No worries, we will play fair. You're looking at two experts."

"Jaz, If I die, tell Noni to delete my hard drive."

"Ew... she'll probably go through it," I say.

"Well with Henry now helping us on the outside, we now have 7 on our team. Let's at least win this one, and we will take home the win," Lucas asks wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"We're off," Jake says.

"Wish us luck," Erick grin before they both disappear and begin to load into the net map, Slums.


Erick and Jake load into the map. Surprise, surprise, the first one to complain is Erick.

"It's humid as fuck, I'm literally already sweating," he complains.

"Yeah, well if I remember right, this is in Panama," Jake responds.

"How do you remember this?" Erick asks.

"Not sure, I have a lot of free time between shoots. Just random facts that pop through my feed," Jake explains while

"Got it. Well should we prep?" He asks as he climbs onto one of the building. He reaches his hand down and pulls Jake up. "If we make it quick then we should be okay."

"Just remember, they know this map better than us. So, I'm not sure what they are planning."

The round starts and the two boys sit on one roof. They take turns peaking past the roof and looking for the enemies. However, the map was completely quiet.

"Where do you think they are?" Jake asks as he pokes his whole body out.

"I mean, we would've definitely seen them by now." Erick groans as he gets in a comfortable position.  Jake peaks over and a bullet whizzes pass his head. Erick grabs Jake down from the ledge and onto the roof. The two boys head laughter from below them. They're sitting ducks.

Out in the open.

Completely stuck on the roof.

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