11. I Got The Music/ The Other Side of Hollywood (part 1.)

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We poof in the middle of a park, and someone is skating up to us. This somone is most likely Willie, who else would it be?

"Hey!" He greets us. He stops right in front of us, fist bumping Alex. I like him already. "What's up man? You brought friends."

"Yeah. These are my bandmates and sister. Uh, Reggie, Emerson, and Luke." Alex introduces us. I give him a small smile and wave.

"Hey." Reggie greets.

"Cool. I'm Willie." He extends a hand out to us, fist bumping us all. "So, you guys here to learn some.. tricks?" he wiggles his fingers and points over to the police ATV's. The sirens on them go off suddenly, making my jaw drop. That was cool.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Reggie cheered, hitting my arm out of excitment. I giggle at him.

"Actually, we were thinking a little bigger." Luke chimes in. "An old bandmate stole from us and we wanna confront him face-to-face."

"Alright. Is this friend of yours a lifer?" Willie asks.

"What- what is that?" I question.

"Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living." Alex answers. "Little something I picked up."

"Ah! Then yeah," Reggie turns to Willie. "he is a lifer. Too much of a fancy pants for street dogs."

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Willie apologizes. "Speaking to lifers is even out of my league." Me and Luke look at each other and shrug, losing hope. "You know, there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He's kind of a big deal."

I raise my eyebrows. Maybe not all hope is lost.

"Literally anything would help." Luke steps forward slightly.

"Oh, uh. Alright. Well, um, I gotta go take care of some things." He says. "But I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock." he puts his board back down. "See ya."

"I like him." I say, before we walk away and poof back to the studio. Once we get there, we see Julie standing in the middle of the room. "Oh, hey Jules!"

"Hey!" She greets. "Just came to make sure you guys won't be late.."

"No, we'll be there don't worry." Alex reassures.

"Okay." She sighs. "Bye!"

"Bye!" We all say. 

"You look great, by the way!" I call after her. She turns and smiles at me, then walks up to the house.

"Sooo what now?" Reggie asks.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking a nap." I say, plopping down on the couch and covering myself in a blanket.

~~~~~~~~~ (sorry for the time skip i have no idea what to write :/)

I wake up to Alex beating his drums, very loudly. 

"AH!" I scream. I look over to his drum set and he has a satisfied look on his face, snickering. "You suck."

"You know you love me." He smiles, standing up and walking over to Luke and Reggie who are also laughing. "Get up, we gotta go to see Willie."

"Oh, shoot. Yeah. I'll be ready in a second." I get up and rush over to my clothes pile. I grab my Sunset Curve shirt and grab some straight leg jeans of mine I found. I go to the bathroom and get changed, pulling my hair into a low messy bun. Once I finish, I go over to the boys and we poof to where Alex and Willie met.

"Hey guys!" Willie greets us, walking over. We all give a grin and various waves. "Okay, you guys hold hands and I'll poof us there." I grab Luke's hand on my left and Alex's on my left. Luke grabs Reggie's, and Willie and Alex hold hands. Willie poofs us all to an eery looking.. hotel? He then poofs us in to a very nice looking hallway.

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