13. The Other Side Of Hollywood (part 3.)

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Once the boys catch up to us, we poof outside of Julie's school. Instead of poofing to the gym, we run through the front door and the halls, trying to find the gym. Running through the halls was so exhilarating, to the point where I was almost laughing. I decided against it though, as the circumstances were not ideal. We bust through the gym doors as I hear no music playing. Uh oh.

"Julie! We are ready to rock this dance..which is clearly over." Reggie says as we run in. He and Luke look around as Alex and I spot Julie sitting on the floor next to some popped balloons. We slowly make our way over to her.

"Look, we are.. so, so sorry that we bailed on you." Luke apologizes.

"Yeah, I mean, the night really got away from us." Alex adds.

"And the twins." Reggie shrugs. Luke hits him on the back.

"Just please tell me it had nothing to do with you getting back at Carrie's dad." Julie says.


"No, no!"

"Really? We would never!" is all I hear from the boys. I look down at the ground, knowing lying isn't going to do anything.

"Seriously?" Julie asks, unammused. "You're lying to me?"

"Okay, look, it was something we needed to do." Alex tries to excuse.

"B-but we'll do whatever it takes-" I step in, taking a step towards Julie. "We'll play the next scho-"

"What?" Julie cuts me off. "Another dance where you can bail on me and make me look like a fool? Save it. You know what really sucks? Our songs were good. And all four of you know what I've been through, and how tough it's been for me to play. And then you do this? Bands don't do that to each other. Friends don't do that to each other." she then makes direct eye contact with me. "This was a mistake."

"You mean the school dance, right?" I question.

"No." She replies. "I mean joining a band with you guys." My whole face relaxes as I sigh. She stops looking at me and starts running out of the gym.

"Julie!" Luke calls.

"Jules!" I yell. She stops, turning and making direct eye contact with me once again.

"Don't call me that!" She shouts back. My eyes twitch as they water up. I just lost my only friend I've basically ever made besides the boys. I sniff and turn back to the boys. They all have solemn looks on their faces.

"Well if.. if Julie's not in the band.." Reggie starts.

"Then there is no band." Luke finishes. All of a sudden, a sharp pain comes erupting from my chest, rocking my whole body. We all groan in pain, guess they got it too.

"What was that?" Alex asks. 

"It felt like we were dying all over again." Reggie says, taking his hand off his own chest.

"How can we die if we're already dead?" Luke asks. 

"I don't know, but I didn't like whatever that was." I also take my hand off my own chest. "Can we go back to the studio?"

"Yeah, let's go." Alex agrees.


We're back at the stuido, kind of just sitting. I'm on the floor with my ukulele staring into space, Luke is laying on the couch, Reggie is strumming random chords on his bass, and Alex is trying to not fall asleep on the floor next to me. I start strumming the chords to song I played the boys. Eventually, I lower the volume by quite a bit as I hear soft snoring. All of the boys are now asleep. I place my ukulele down softly, going up to the loft. I grab a small spiral notebook that I found. I left this here ages ago.

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