20. Unsaid Emily (part 2.)

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First things first, we start the scene in reverse. All of the lines rehearsed, disappear from my mind. When things got loud, once of us running out. I should have turned around, but I had too much pride.

No time, for goodbyes. Didn't get to apologize. Pieces of the clock that lies broken. 

If I could take us back, if I could just do that. And write in every empty space, the words 'I love you' in replace, then maybe time would not erase me. If you could only know, I'd never let you go. And the words I most regret are the one's I never meant to leave. Unsaid Emily.

~ Flashback ~

I take Luke's flannel off of his sleeping body, throwing it over my shoulders. I quickly run over to my desk, tearing a small piece of notebook paper out of my songbook. I write a small note on it and tip toe downstairs. As I make it to the door, I slip out into the night. I take Luke's bike, as I don't currently have my own, and ride the way to his house. I don't even bother putting the bike stand down as I hide the bike next to a bush where no one in the house can see it. I rush up to the front door and I place the note on the doormat. I ring the doorbell, running back down to the bike and hiding basically in the bush. 

Emily answers the door and looks down, seeing the note. She picks it up and reads it, tearing up immensely. She calls Mitch over as he reads the note as well. He tears up slightly too, and I feel awful knowing the pain that they could be in. Emily holds the note close to her chest as they both sulk inside, crying. I sigh, picking the bike back up.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. I start my way back to my house. Once I get there, I put Luke's bike away and unlock the door. I sulk back upstairs and I see Luke still sleeping peacefully. I climb into bed with him, resting my head on his chest.

He's okay.

~ End of flashback ~

Silent days, mysteries and mistakes. Who'd be the first to break? Guess we're alike that way. He said, she said, conversations in my head. And that's just where they're gonna stay forever.

If I could take us back, if I could just do that. And write in every empty space, the words 'I love you' in replace, then maybe time would not erase me. If you could only know, I'd never let you go. And the words I most regret are the one's I never meant to leave. Unsaid Emily.

If I could take us back, if I could just do that. And write in every empty space, the words 'I love you' in replace, then maybe time would not erase me. If you could only know, I'd never let you go. And the words I most regret are the one's I never meant to leave. 

Unsaid Emily.


Luke stops singing and we both stare at the Patterson's. They both have tears streaming down my face and I look to Luke. He's crying too and I wipe some tears off of his face. He looks down at me, doing the same. I didn't even realize I was crying until then. He gives me a weak smile and poofs us away. We land on Julie's porch, and I immediately swallow him in a bone crushing hug. He stay like that for awhile, not talking or anything, just rocking back and forth. We eventually hear footsteps coming up to the porch, so we release the hug looking in that direction. We see Julie walking up to us, so we face her completely.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey." He greets back. I just give a small smile in return. I figure this was a personal moment, so I rub Luke's arm and poof down to the studio. I see Reggie sitting on a chair with his bass and Alex sitting on the couch with his drumsticks. I quickly walk over, joining them.

"Why did you leave?" Alex asks me. I ponder for a moment before responding.

"Uh.. Luke can tell you. I don't know if he would want me to."

"Um.. okay." He replies. I smile at him slightly, before getting up because I'm restless and want to do something. Before I can even do anything, we all get jolted and I get thrown back, almost into Alex's drum set. We groan in pain, clutching our chests. I stand up quickly, heavily embarressed even if it's something I couldn't control.

"Okay. Sitting down again." I breathe. I decide to sit on the floor because floors can be comfortable and I stand by that. Soon after, Luke poofs in, sitting beside me. "You okay?" I whisper.

"Yeah.." He whispers back. I give him a soft smile, laying down and putting my head on his thigh. I rest my eyes, falling asleep before I can fight it.


I shoot awake, sitting up and breathing heavily. I also almost conked Luke in the head while doing so.

"Woah. You good?" Alex asks. I start to slow my breathing, resting my head on Luke's thigh once again.

"Mhm." I mumble. "Bad dream." Luke starts playing with my hair, and I feel my eyes getting heavy. I fight them this time though, keeping myself awake. Reggie's softly playing his bass now and Alex has gone back to messing with his drum sticks, trying to balance them on his nose. I hear footsteps enter the studio, but I don't care enough to see who it is, it's most likely Julie.

"Snap out of it!" She yells. Before I can react, I feel an insanely heavy weight on me. I already know exactly what happened before I think about it.

"Alex!" I shout. "Get off!" I shove him off of me, sitting back up. I see his drum sticks halfway across the room and Reggie with his eyes wide.

"Jeez." Reggie breathes. "I think you broke Alex."

"Do you guys wanna cross over or what?" Julie asks. Alex gets back up on the couch, and I sigh. "Get it together!"

"They're never gonna let us play the Orpheum." Luke sulks.

"We're nobody." Alex notes.

"We're less than nobody." Reggie adds. "We have no bodies!" I snap my fingers, pointing at him, indicating that I agree.

"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission." Julie says. "You book gigs by doing."

"That was me." Reggie smiles.

"No, it wasn't."

"No, it wasn't." Luke and Julie both disagree.

"Yes it was.." I hear Reggie mumble.

"This isn't over." Julie continues. "We were brought together for a reason: to help each other."

"Yeah, but like Luke said, people don't just play the Orpheum because they want to." Alex voices. 

"People don't, but ghosts do." Julie smirks. I smile, standing up.

"Well, boys. Let's do it."

We then come up with a whole plan to get Willie to get the opening bands bus and drive it away, and we can sneak into the office and book ourselves. We figured I should write Julie's number down, since I have the best handwriting. Luke volunteered, but after what happened with the whole 'Julie and The Fat One's' situation, we all highly disagreed.

"Orpheum on 3!" Luke cheers. We all put our hands on top of one another.

"1." Reggie starts.

"2." Me and Alex count.

"3." Julie finishes.



a/n: i know it's super short but oh wellll. again with the flashback UGHHH. also, if u were confused, the little he's okay thing at the end is what the note said :) hope you liked this one!

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