19. Unsaid Emily (part 1.)

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~ Flashback ~

"Happy Birthday!!" The boys yell, rushing into my room. They jump on my bed immediately, mainly on me. I groan and push them off.

"Thanks." I mumble, stuffing my head in my pillow.

"Cheer up, Em!" Bobby says. "It's your birthday!" Alex rips the sheets off of me and Luke pulls me up so I'm sitting straight up.

"Woo!!" Reggie cheers. I laugh, rubbing my eyes. I slowly get out of bed, tripping in the process. Luke catches me, and I sigh.

"It's too early for this." I mutter.

"Okay love-birds." Alex laughs. I get out of Luke's grasp and throw a shirt at Alex. I go over to my dresser, getting out a lilac crop top and ripped jeans that are acid washed and high waisted.

"Like the fit, like the fit."  (ik that's not something you would say in that time but IDC ITS FUNNY TO ME LOL) Bobby critiques. I giggle at him, sulking over to my bathroom. I shut the door, and change quickly. I wash my face and tie my hair up into a messy bun. I then walk out and see the boys in a pyramid.

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Emersoooon. Happy Birthday to you!

They sing quickly, harmonzing the late note. 

"Thank you. Again." I chuckle. Three of them rush out of the room, leaving just Luke and I. "What's up?" He slowly walks over to me, holding a small white box. I look at him with furrowed brows.

"Here." He whispers, handing the box to me. I open it slowly, and it reveals a silver chain with a can tab on it. (lets pretend that peace tea was out in the 1990's) I gasp slightly, it was a Peace Tea can tab. My favorite one. "Happy Birthday. I know it's not much, but-"

I grasp him in a hug, thanking him. I know it wasn't a big thing, but it meant a lot to me. 

~ End of Flashback ~

I'm sitting on the roof of the studio, clutching my necklace that Luke gave me. Of course I'm still wearing it, why wouldn't I? It's my birthday today, but no one has said anything. I get it though, we all have our own stuff. With Willie, the jolts, our unfinished buisness, and personal things that others don't know about. I sigh, looking up at the sky. I wish the stars were out, but it's still very much morning. I feel a jolt course through me and I whimper, clutching my necklace tighter. When the sensation calms, I poof down to the studio, and I see Reggie sitting on the couch.

"Hey Em!" He says. "Do you wanna come hang out with Ray with me?"

"Sure." I smile in return. We both poof into the house, seeing Ray sitting at the dining room table. I sit across from Reggie as we look at his computer screen.

"Hmm.. wow!" Reggie mutters. "Ooh, I like this one! It's got a good compositon, buddy." I hear a noise and I see Alex sitting next to Reggie.

"What are you guys doing?" He sighs.

"Eh, I needed a pick-me-up and hanging with Ray always does the trick." Reggie says, smiling.

"Does it?" Alex asks in a high pitched voice. "Okay." I kick him under the table. "Ow." I smirk at him and out of the corner of my eye I see Carlos walking in. We both turn our heads to look at the younger boy.

"Dad, I have a ghost update." He says, rather urgent.

"Okay, this might be interesting." Alex comments.

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