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"Mr. Morelli?"

After calling his surname, I heard her voice cracking a little bit, and I knew she experienced chills down her spine as the man peered deeply into her eyes with his black yet icy eyes. She was frozen in place, kneeling down in the ground, and she couldn't grasp the fact that he was the genius behind everything. Even I didn't expect that someone like him could hurt or worst kill people.

He looks like a harmless civilian.

The thought never came inside my mind since he looks so sincere and kind everytime we see him before at school as the security guard even though his face looks grumpy he makes sure that all of the students are safe so as the teachers. He used to care about us especially Jade. I've been fooled by his act,everything was facade. We never knew that he was always watching us.

The man who is at the heart of the organization under the name of Vanta.

We are confronted by an evil mastermind who we had no idea would be right in front of us, and we can feel the venom in his aura.

How could I've been so blind?

The man was near me but why I didn't realize? Why would I be so dumb. I solved many cases,unmasking the faces of the criminals but when it comes to him I didn't do it. I felt dissappointed on myself on letting this happen.

He leaned forward with a smile.

"Do you have any idea why I would go to such lengths as to kill some ordinary high school students who are acting in the role of detectives? I'm not the kind of person who would ordinarily do things like this, but you help me to boost a portion of my ego" his voice was frosty and cold, and he said this as he whispered it in to her ear. "Everything happens as a result of your efforts, Ms. Cesaire. After all, it was your fault that this all began."

Jade swallowed and summoned all of her might to muster the bravery to speak back to the man. "How could that possibly be my fault?"

"Isn't it your responsibility to find out? Nothing except the truth should be sought. Connect the dots of different circumstances and angles, then untangle the red threads until you reach the center of the web's core" Mr. Morelli loosened his grip on Jade's chin and inclined his head slightly to the side. "Why would this kind of man be so desperate to kill you? You might wonder"

I could see how she clenched her fist from a distance, but I didn't say anything. I know her heart is pounding so hard inside right now that no matter how courageous she is, I know that as she stood in front of him, practically all of her energy was drained and Jade was unable to do anything and then froze in place.

"I'm hoping you'll remember, Ms. Cesaire."

"What do you mean?"

A smirked curved in his lips.

"Shortly, you'll be able to connect all the dots, but be careful because once you discover the truth, it will cost you your dearest and most treasured life, which your love parents cherished above all else." Mr Morelli said, as he placed both of his hands behind his back and truly smiled at her as if killing her would be nothing,he gave Jade another icy chill down her spine, which I'm not sure she'll be able to manage. "The question is, Would you rather know the truth or live a life filled with lies?"

Her mouth was opened, but no words came out, as if something was trapped in her throat, and no matter how much she wanted to respond to him, she couldn't do it quickly. Then I noticed how her lips trembled, and it was the first time I had ever seen someone shake in that manner.

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