In my Mind

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Welcome to my mind,

each twist and turn more twisted than the first.

This is the grand tour of

every broken piece.


Every crack and quirk pointed out,

just for your inspection

because I was tired of you

looking for them yourself.


Then getting mad because they can't anything,

making up stuff instead, feeling smart.

So here you go,

every little thing you wanted, enough to topple the capital.


You wanted to know, so here it is:

I'm dead inside.

Any life that once lingered in these dark halls,

was driven out by the pain left by the one I loved.


The one who swore to protect me,

to love me and give me forever,

Instead he gave me newfound knowledge

of self-loathing by deciding I wasn't good enough.


And if you would turn into this hallway here,

A beautiful example of my imperfections!

A painting, done in shades of black, grey, and red,

showing my soul in all of its broken glory.


But that's not all!

If you look into this room here,

You will see the words cut into the walls,

words expressed in moments of insanity and weakness.


Then there is the attic, but watch your step,

the floor is unstable from years of misuse,

and could easily break,

despite the patches and half-assed repairs.


Okay, leaving here, we are almost through.

But now, Take a look into the living room.

Look at the beautiful curtains, the only thing visible from the outside,

hiding the chaos within.


The smashed tables and chairs,

broken in the middle of a mindless rage.

A blackout filled with pain, destruction, and bloodlust,

the need to feel the power of skin giving to steel.


Finally, the kitchen, and the last stop in our tour.

The blood on the knives? Don't worry about it.

It's only my blood, spilled thinking about how people like you

look down on me, deciding I am a freak because of my pain.


I hope you enjoyed the tour, maybe learned something.

Questions? Comments? Anything to add?

What's wrong? You are normally so opinionated!

No? Well then goodbye. We enjoyed having you.

Feel free to never come back.

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