Never Forever

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He says he loves me,

understands me,

feels my pain,

loves me for me.


He whispers promises,

in my ear, quietly

telling me he's mine forever,

that he'll never leave me.


I listen with an open mind,

but I keep my heart shut tight.

I want to believe him, truly,

but I've been broken too many times.


Because no matter what they say,

they always run away,

and no matter what they promise,

it's never forever.


But I'll listen for now,

smile and agree with him,

knowing I will never give

him enough to break me.


I'll just show him enough to scare him,

enough to make him leave.

Because I already know he will,

it should hurt less, right? 


It will still hurt, I know,

and throb from time to time.

How could it not when he already

lit a passion so deep inside me.


He showed me heaven, hell,

everything in between.

His touch lights me up so bright,

an atomic blast, consuming my body.


He makes me feel alive,

like nothing else has,

my body is electric,

heating up like a furnace.


His hands on my hips,

his lips on mine,

every time he moves,

he turns me on.


His body is deadly,

his voice is fatal,

there is no way I can resist,

so I give in, powerless.

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