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I sit here alone, with thoughts of you,
Tears tolling down my face.
How can you love me?
How can you even stand to look at me?
How dare I!
How could I block your beautiful light
With my ugly darkness!?
How could I be so selfish!?
I should leave you and run,
So that you aren't infected with
My lonely, fatal disease.
But I am selfish.
I need you too much.
I need you more than life!
But it isn't my life I'll be ruining, is it?
It's yours.
How could I be that selfish!?
I would give up everything for you,
Except for you,
Which makes no sense at all.
I am so selfish, I already know I'll hurt you if I stay with you.
But maybe some selfish part if me
Believes that you can cure me of this darkness.
Either way, it's still so wrong.
I should leave and let you find someone who isn't broken inside,
Who is as beautiful as you.
The thought of you with someone else,
Angers and horrifies me, but I know
That it is the best thing for you,
So that you can finally be happy.
I have to let you go,
But I can't.
I just can't.
I'm so selfish...

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