Carry On

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I walk, crying,
Down an isle meant for two.
A dream for me,
A plan for you.

My dress is white,
My eyes are red.
My body's numb,
My soul's dead.

I pace, anxious,
Are you ever coming home?
Where are you?
Paris? Greece? Rome?

You left, and I'll wait,
But every second kills me.
I shout into the void,
But it's like nobody hears me.

People ask if I'm okay,
But they don't hear me scream.
I see you in the dead of night,
A picture perfect dream.

They say I'll get better,
But don't know what's wrong.
I still hope and wait,
I've been waiting for so long.

So I cry and walk down this isle,
Even though you're gone.
It seems the only thing to do
Is to hide my scars and carry on.

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