Hate and Love

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Hate and love are common,
Emotions known by all.
I hate you, I love you,
The words spoken but not understood.

We throw them around for no reason,
Whether we mean it or not.
We tell them we love them to get what we want,
Say "I hate you" to tear them apart.

Carelessly given,
Harshly taken,
Our love is free
But easily lost.

On the other hand, there's hate,
Not given without reason.
For there to be hate, there must first be love,
Both fiery in their passion.

Hate burns bright like a furnace,
Consuming everything.
But love burns more like a Phoenix,
And signals the rebirth of your soul.

Both are so different,
Yet oddly the same.
Both burning bright,
Blinding you to reality.

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