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I'm so tired,
But my stupid brain
Won't shut up
And let me sleep!
I'm almost out of coffee,
And it's barely 3 am.
I still have to go to school
At 6 o'clock in the morning.
I'm so exhausted,
I haven't slept in days,
Worry eating at my mind,
Refusing to let me sleep.
I'm dying,
And no one seems to notice.
The rings beneath my eyes
Are too dark to be healthy.
I stumble around like a zombie,
Just trying to keep moving.
One foot in front of the other,
Baby steps.
Walking seemed so simple,
But now it is impossible,
Like pushing an entire mountain
Across the planet.
Takes so much energy,
None left for talking.
People don't notice or ask why
I'm so silent.
I look at the sky,
To trying to trick my mind into sleep,
But it senses my plan
And kicks into overdrive.
This is going to be a long day...

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