10 4 1

Have to fight
And keep up hope,
Tell myself
Everything's okay.

Hatred is what I am
Accustomed to.
Tearing myself apart,
Each and every day.

Hundreds of cuts,
Arms, thighs, stomach,
Tiny little marks,
Eating away at my sanity.

Hunger is killing me,
Ate last, three days ago,
Tiny bit of fruit,
Everything went into the toilet.

Hate the way I look,
And the way I act.
Teachers can't stand me,
Each one saying I'm too 'disrespectful'

Have to go to school,
Any excuse goes unheard.
Taste the blood from biting my tongue,
Every comment kept under wraps.

Hate controls my every thought,
Any hope I had is gone.
Tears stream down my face again,
Each new cut burning from the salt.

*if you didn't see it the first time, go back and look at the first letter of each line. If you still don't get it, ask in comments.*

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