Alone in a crowd

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I walk around without a destination,
Lost in my thoughts.
So loud, so pained, they echo around,
They scream over one another.
I walk through a crowd of people,
Tears running down my face.
But nobody stops to ask me if I'm okay,
And I realize I'm alone in a crowd.
Nobody sees the pain I feel,
Though I don't try to hide it.
They choose not to see, not to care,
Because it's easier that way.
Why should they care?
It doesn't concern them
If I want to go home and
Kill myself tonight.
They will never notice,
As they go home to loving families.
As long as it doesn't affect them,
Why would they even look in my direction?
I smirk at each of them,
Imagining their faces if I told them
What I really thought of them,
The hatred I bear for them all.
If I told them that everything
they take for granted, I never had.
If I told them I envy their overprotective parents,
And their annoying little siblings.
They would just look at me
Like I'm a freak, like they always do.
They still wouldn't care, though,
It still wouldn't concern them.
If I died, they would shed fake tears,
And share false words of sympathy,
Lighting candles in my honor,
Acting like they cared about me.
But soon they would get on with their lives,
And I would be forgotten.
Not that I was remembered to begin with.
Because I am alone in this crowd.
There is a certain beauty to silence,
Something only those used to it see.
Because a screaming crowd is just as
Meaningless as total silence.
Silence, to the lonely, is not the
absence of sound. It is the absence
Of any words of importance,
The lack of comfort in words.
So I'm in complete silence,
Despite the screaming crowd around me.
I am alone in this clique dominated school,
And always alone in a crowd.

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