Multiple personalites

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I wake up, in ropes confined.
Naked and cold, how did I get here?
I look up and my blood runs cold,
Bile climbs up my throat.
In a warehouse, kidnapped.
I look up and see my love,
Naked and chained like me,
Fear written in his eyes.
I try to comfort him,
Say I will get us free.
All he has to do is trust me.
He doesn't look convinced.
Just then I hear an evil laugh,
Colder than the winter night outside.
And our captor walks in,
Carrying a knife covered in blood.
Then captor is... Me.
No, just my body, my twin.
My other self.
My other personality.
He walks towards me,
Locked in a body just like mine,
But there is no doubt he's male,
Because this isn't our first meeting.
He doesn't have a name, I call him Sin.
Because that is what he is.
My hidden thoughts and sins,
Given flesh and blood.
He walks up to me
And strokes my cheek.
"It's for your own good."
In a voice like mine, but deeper.
He picks up the blade,
And I relax, What could he do
that I haven't already done to myself?
It'll take more than that to break me.
Then I scream as he turns around and
plunges the blade in my loves stomach.
He looks at my, and holds me back,
Not letting me move.
My love just watches in confusion,
Pain written on his face,
As he falls to the ground,
The light fading from his eyes.
Only then can I move,
Pull him into my arms.
No pulse, no breath, nothing.
Because he's gone.
I scream in pain, in anger,
In the knowledge that this is my fault.
I killed him. No matter what I say,
I should've fought harder,
Shouldn't have let it take control.
My loves murderer.
My other self.
I scream, agony and anger taking over,
And pick up the knife.
I look at the other me and repeat his
words. "For your own good."
Then I plunge the blade into my heart,
Following my beloved.
Maybe this one good deed could
Redeem my earlier sins.

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