Dark song

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I listen to your laugh
And fall again,
For that smooth as silk sound,
With just a hint of gravel.
Your voice is deeper
Than the ocean,
Darker than space,
Passionate as sex.
Your voice caresses me
Through the air,
My imagination creating fantasies,
Little story to match your dark song.
Everything tells me to give in,
To drown myself in your words,
Except for one voice warning me
That you are lying to me.
But it's so quiet,
The other voices block it out.
And I walk into your arms again,
Listening to your dark song.
The moment you know you have me,
You shove me away.
You laugh at my confusion,
Saying I'll never be good enough.
As I stumble away,
Your words become harsher.
A chant, a battle cry.
And I realize I fell for it again.
But soon the cycle will start again,
And you will call to me.
But I will not answer you next time.
I will listen to reason.

If only I believed that...

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