Dark Runes

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A woman lay sick,
On her deathbed,
Covered in roses.
She is deadly pale,
Her eyes are shut,
Her breathing silent.
A boy of merely seventeen
sits weeping by her side.
Weeping for his lost lover,
His everything, his queen.
"She is dead" the spirits scream,
As they attempt to gather her soul.
He screams and fights,
Desperately trying to
Save his beloved.
He walks the wood,
Searching for a hidden place,
Somewhere where faeries roam.
He finds their queen and
Begs her to help him
Reclaim his love.
She smiles at him,
A devil's smile,
And takes him by the hand.
She gives the boy a
Bloodstained book,
A book full of dark magic.
He walks back home,
To his love,
And sets out to take her back.
A man should never mess
With dark runes,
When he knows not how
To use them well.
The faery named Temptation,
A sly and evil soul,
Has stolen many lives,
Corrupted many souls.
Dark magic can be tempting,
When it offers
everything you want.
That woman woke,
Her skin was pink and warm,
Her heartbeat steady,
Her breathing strong.
But one glance into
That poor girl's eyes,
He knew something was wrong.
She was alive and well,
Her body healthier than ever.
But her soul, poor thing,
Never made it
back from the abyss.
Her eyes were black,
Her teeth were sharp,
Her bloodlust
Raged out of control.
A man should never mess
With dark runes,
When he knows not how
To use them well.
This woman he loved,
His pride and joy,
The young maiden he once knew
Was gone, replaced by
Something darker.
She walked to him,
Her eyes shimmered with
Forbidden pleasure.
He thought to lose himself
Between her thighs,
To show his boundless love.
Instead that darkened
Spirit, which was never hers,
Tore him to pieces,
Limb from bloody limb.
But that boy died happily,
A smile upon his face.
He was going to meet his
Beloved again,
Meeting her in a better place.
Except he never saw her,
Because of the dark magic
He succumbed to.
He spent eternity in hell,
The evil spirit ravaged earth,
And that poor young maiden
Never saw her beloved again.
That's why a man should
never mess
With dark runes,
When he knows not how
To use them well.

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