I don't want to be

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I don't want to be
That call you make at 3 am,
That you'd wish you could
Say you just forgot to call.
I don't want to be
That place you only go
Because you feel you have to.
I don't want to be
That thought that only crosses
Your mind every once in a while,
And only in passing.
I don't want to be
That clingy girl who never
Wants to be alone,
Who always calls and nags.
I don't want to be
That girl who doesn't care,
Who doesn't ever look at you,
Who you easily forget.
So many things I'm
Scared of messing up,
So scared that I'm afraid to move.
So I just follow your lead,
I don't question you at all.
I hope that when you leave,
You leave enough of me to bury.

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