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Circle around,

and pile in close,

for a look at a creature

once thought extinct.


I assure you all

that you will never see

one in the wild,

or among its own kind.


A mysterious creature

by nature,

it stays to itself,

a trait rare in any living thing.


So here it is folks!

Behold! The Antisocialis Freakis!

Never seen in any type of company,

it is truly one of a kind.


Always by itself,

alone by choice.

It shows no sign of loneliness,

therefore it must not have emotions.


This is how most

people look at me,

a freak in a cage,

open to inspection.


I do not choose to be alone,

but no one wants to deal with me.

Antisocial, I guess it applies to me,

though not on purpose.


I have fans, not friends,

all they do is gawk and point.

I am all alone, surrounded by people,

nothing but a show in a circus.


All I want is for one person to ask,

Are you okay?

Instead of looking down their noses

at my scars.


But it never happen,

and the show must go on.

And so I keep to my cage,

their entertainment for tonight.

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