Blood in Wonderland

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Falling farther, farther,
Down a hole in my backyard.
I was led there by a rabbit,
Who shoved me in when I bent over.
All I wanted was one good look,
At this rabbit in a jacket.
Instead he came and shoved me over,
Now his jacket's stained with blood.
It wouldn't have been too bad,
Except for the piano falling above me.
I tried to move out of the way,
But it still hit me in the head.
So now my mind's a little fuzzy,
Not quite sure where I am.
Blood is dripping from my head,
Staining my new dress.
Finally, some time later,
I land on the ground in a new world.
But when I landed on my feet,
I felt my left leg break.
I see the bone playing peek-a-boo,
I think I may be sick.
But I just look around and grab a stick
To make a brace for the wound.
I reset the bone, and wrap it up,
With cloth torn off my dress.
I use the stick to steady my leg,
Tearing more cloth to tie it.
Finally I get up, and limp away,
Walking on a path I found.
Soon it gets dark and I lose my way,
With no way to return.
After a moment, I hear a voice,
Coming from above.
I look up and see a cat
Translucent like a ghost.
He says he's a Cheshire cat,
He can vanish on a whim.
He looks at me like a meal,
I'm sorta scared of him.
He floats a way in front of me,
Leading me to his friends.
The Hatter and the little mouse,
I already forgot her name.
When we get there, I look around,
And see a table set for tea.
I walk over to the people,
I see them staring at me.
The mouse gets mad, I don't know why,
And stabs me with a fork.
Another rabbit's sitting there,
Looking at me like it's lunchtime.
I sit down and pour a cup of tea,
Looking at the Hatter.
They say he's mad, and I can see it,
Deep within his eyes.
After we all finish tea,
They lead me to a house.
I walk to the room that's deemed mine,
And sit down on the bed.
I lay down at 3am, thinking I'd be safe.
I close my eyes for a second,
My body fighting sleep,
And try to relax.
But soon I hear footsteps,
They walk into my room.
Suddenly a masculine hand,
Clamps down on my mouth.
I fight so hard, but for a moment,
Then he slams my head against the wall.
I feel the darkness pull me down,
Though it might've just been him.
I feel his rip my dress to shreds,
And bruise every inch of skin.
I have no way to defend myself,
As he uses me in the sickest way.
Finally he leaves, and I turn over,
Refusing to shed a tear.
I will be stronger next time,
Next time I win fight and win.
I get up at daylight, to fix my dress,
walk outside like nothing happened.
The Hatter's there with all his friends,
Laughing like he's friendly.
I walk around and find a knife,
It's blade is like a razor.
I twirl it in my hands a bit,
Before placing it in my pocket.
First I find the Cheshire Cat,
Getting him alone.
I ask him if he knew this would happen,
He just nods and laughs.
Before he can disappear,
I pull out my knife and
drag it across his throat,
Watching the blood pour out.
After that I find the mouse,
And taunt her to leave her friends.
She follows me into the woods,
Unknowing of her fate.
I ask her the same question,
And get the same response.
I behead her in one quick movement,
Blood squirting from the wound.
Next I hunt down both rabbits,
Getting them alone.
I could almost laugh at how easy
Killing them both was.
Finally I find the Hatter,
And show him the blood dried on me.
He screams and begs for mercy,
Pleads for me to spare his life.
I hesitate a moment,
Then smile into his face.
"My name is Alice. Never forget."
Then I slit his throat so deep.
My revenge being dealt, I walk away,
Finding the door into my world.
I don't look back at the one I left,
At the blood I left in Wonderland.

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