If ever we met

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If ever we met,
However it happened,
I am certain that we
Would both know.
If I met my soulmate
If he felt it too,
I feel like I would
Finally be whole.
Love is love, right,
Even if it is planned ahead,
Because happiness is
A relative term.
I could be a slave,
Literally or not,
But if fate made him love me,
I would accept servitude.
A slave forever,
Or die alone?
Is it truly an option,
Do I really have a choice?
If destiny or fate or God,
If whoever controls us decided
That I was to be a slave or a victim of kidnapping,
I could accept that with the promise of love.
Maybe I'm crazy,
Or just desperate for some type of connection,
To another person,
Who could understand my secrets.
I might be crazy,
It honestly wouldn't surprise me,
But if I was a slave to a vampire,
I would want to live with him forever.

Musings of the InsaneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz