Chapter 15

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Cabinet's P.O.V

My eye narrowed on the man.

No, my enemy.

If there was one thing that my former creators instructed me to do, it was to carry out a better world. That was my one goal in life; even if I did shun them from ever interfering in my work.

The more I stared, the more that my lip curled into a sneer. His ideocity couldn't be excused; bringing back a country that was meant to stay dead for centuries. And for what exactly? Love? His own personal gains? Just to see the world suffer?

A scoff left my lips, while I clicked my laptop sensor bar. Whatever the reason was, it was one that reset my progress.

I was so close to securing victory, but no. I couldn't have one thing go right recently. He and his monster of a boyfriend were the reason that Massachusetts left, the reason that Canada intervened as much as he did, and the reason that she abandoned me.

Sorrow crept its way into my heart, as I clutched my formal-looking shirt. I missed Mexico...

I didn't get what went wrong. I thought that I had done everything that I could to please her, to make the states treat her as a mother figure, and to make her feel loved. Sure, once or twice I brushed her off because of work, but the other times went well.

My hands slammed my computer's lid down, while my mouth swerved into a frown. At least I thought they did. Maybe she didn't think of those instances in the same way that I did. Honestly, with how subjective the world was, I was stupid to think that she understood every one of my intentions.

I glanced down at my messy desk, while my head shook from side to side. It had been over a month since we separated and she was still lurking in my mind; foolish.

My eyes trailed back down to the closed piece of machinery. I guess I could understand the Russian's intentions, after all, I did the same for Mexico all those years ago.

Even if I was the one to put her in that situation in the first place...

Did I regret it?

No, not even a bit. It brought her back to me with information on what had happened, even if I already knew most of what she told me.

Ah, the perks of having two spies in one place. Checks and balances were done for me.

A smile crept onto my face, as I thought back on all of my accomplishments. I helped make the world a better place. I rid this earth of a corrupted democracy, successfully united a once divided country, and brought my citizens under an umbrella of equality.

Sure, that didn't stop a small case of revolts from springing up two months ago, but other than that, everything was going smoothly.

However, that was the past now, and the past was not the present. I was on the verge of war. This would act as a campaign to rid America from this world once and for all. Maybe, as an added bonus, his puppet lover would fall with him.

But that was wishful thinking.

The chair under me left, as I walked about the office, until I reached a map on my wall. Plans for battles, strategies, and pins lined the strip of colored paper. Notes were sloppily thrown everywhere except the battlefield. Written on them were battle circumstances.

My hand grasped the one titled 'Surprise Attack' and threw it away. Then I started tearing off the sticky squares with plans that were now unachievable.

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