Chapter 16

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America's P.O.V

Silence sunk into the space between Russia and I, not that there was much anyways.

We were both in a chair. My lover was sitting the correct way, while he studied some documents. I, on the other hand, was in his lap, as my legs dangled off of the openings in the back. A hand traced down my spine, and mine were slung onto his shoulders. My wings were folded down, as they tried to get Russia's attention.

"Five fleets of twelve..." He mumbled to himself. I heard the papers shuffle behind me. "A calculated squadron of twenty COS planes bombed several storage facilities in China. Ground troops were never used, aside from one instance where they seized a weapons arsonal, then blew the remaining building to smithereens. China is demanding back up to help protect his homeland."

"Man, that's a lot of war debt. Are you gonna send it?" I asked, while I drew different symbols on his back.

He nodded his head, "Of course. A portion of my Air Force and Navy are already set to head there tomorrow. Now that I think of it, they should be getting ready to leave."

A small yawn left my lips, and I tucked my head into his neck, "Hun, what's the time?"

"It's..." He clicked the button on the side of his phone, while the papers in his hand were put to rest. "One twenty-four."

"We should go to bed." I reasoned. I stood up, after shuffling out of my place, leaned down, and kissed my partner's cheek. Even if it was common for us to stay up later than this, I knew that it was just to spend time with each other. I was being selfish...again. He had a job to do and I was keeping him up later than he should be staying up.

All because I wanted to see him.

My eyes trailed down; horrible, it was simply horrible.

Before I could turn away, he cupped his hands around my cheeks and plunged his lips into mine. He slowly moved my face upwards, as he stood up.

Sourness corroded my senses, whilst I pulled myself away and went to change. Russia stood there in confusion, but followed me shortly afterwards.

When the both of us had finished getting ready, we retired to our mattress. My head rested on his chest, one of my wings stretched over him, and I felt his fingers trace along my scalp. It was hypnotic and I was pushed into a trance.

I could hear words entering my mind, but I simply let them go without processing what they meant. All that I cared about was the darkness that crept up along my sight.

For a blissful set of hours, the world was calm, peaceful, and quiet. The sound of my boyfriend's heartbeat swarmed through every one of my veins, as content rattled through both of us.

It was so perfect.

Until it wasn't.

A shrill, piercing alarm made me shoot up from my rest. Russia also woke up and jolted to a sitting position. His forehead slammed against mine, I groaned, and my hands instantly covered my throbbing cranium.

The noise that startled us was still going, but it was getting progressively louder. It drowned out any sense of reason. In its place stood confusion and panic.

Before my lover could ask me if I was okay, the room door was frantically opened and a woman faltered, before she screamed out something in Russian.

Russia shouted something back to her, gave her a nod, and she returned the favor, as she dashed off. With a newfound understanding for what was happening, he yanked me up and grabbed my hand. He pulled me towards our room's open door, but I resisted.

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