*serious trigger warning (self harm + anxiety)

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Requested? [yes, anon]
Themes? [anxiety, self-harm,]
Era? [anon didn't specify so I chose Teen!Pat]

Bzz bzzz

My phone vibrated on my nightstand and lit itself up. I turned, looking at the clock. 4:36am.

I unlocked it and entered the passcode. 4368.

It was a new text. From Y/N.

<from: y/n
Received: 4:35am
Oh my god, I'm so sorry to bother you this late. I know I'm going to get anxious and my throat will tighten just knowing you're reading this right now. I'm so sorry, again. I just need someone to talk to. I know I sound so lame and you probably want to spit in my face right now. I wouldn't blame you. I'd do the same thing. I just need to be heard. You don't even need to listen, I just need some sort of clarity that I'm alive. That you're alive. That this is real and not just my mind running away again. Are you real? I doubt it. You're too much of an angel to be real. Angels aren't real. God isn't real. A God of such acceptance and power wouldn't make me hate myself, would he? I don't know anymore. Please, just respond. With anything. A letter. A number. I just need to know you're there."

Tears formed in my eyes. "Baby girl..." I whispered to myself.

My fingers flew over the keyboard.

<to: y/n
sent: 4:39am
Oh my God, yes. I'm here. I'm real and so are you.>

<to: y/n
sent: 4:40am
You are living proof that God exists. Only He could create such perfection. I love you. I always have.>

<from: y/n
received: 4:43am
I'm so sorry to bother you.>

<to: y/n
sent: 4:43am
Don't be! It's a nice surprise at 4am :)>

<to: y/n
sent: 4:44am
Are you at home? Can I come over?>

<from: y/n
received: 4:45am
Yes, I'm at home. You probably wouldn't want to see me like this though. I'm in a dark place.>

<to: y/n
sent: 4:46am
Then I'm coming to pull you out of it.>

* * *

I got out of my car and raced up to her window. Her room was on the first floor.

I tapped lightly on the glass. I could see her figure fidget and stir in the corner of her dark room.

She walked over to the window and quietly slid it open.

She paused. "Patrick... You actually came..."

"Of course I did, my God, you scared me half to death, Y/N. Are you okay?"

She nodded and motioned for me to come in. She lit a small lamp in the corner of her room as we sat on the edge of her bed. There was blood on her hands.

"Y/N..." I said softly, tears forming again. I delicately took her arm in my hand. She winced.

"Please, never ever hurt yourself."

She just shook her head and tugged her arm away.

I stood up and pulled her to the bathroom. I grabbed her blade and handed it to her.

I pulled up my sleeve.

"I want you to cut me. As many times you'd cut yourself." I said, calmly.

She looked up at me. "What?"

I nodded.
"No, Patrick, I couldn't."

"Listen. It's okay. I need you to see something."

She still wouldn't do it.

I took her hand in mine and guided her to make light slices in my arm.

By now, she was sobbing.

"Why are you upset?" I asked.

"Because I'm hurting you." She cried.

I shook my head. "No, you're hurting something that loves you."

She looked up at me.

"Do you know what else loves you?"

She looked away.

"Your body. Your body loves you and you hurt that too. Your body is precious. It's is a vessel for you to enjoy the world around you. Don't hurt it. It is beautiful."

She started crying again and I pulled her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry. I just get so scared, Patrick."

"I know, Y/N. It will be okay. I love you. I will try to help. I promise."

* * *

It has been a year since I found Y/N in her room like that. She tours with my band now and it's pretty nice.

I can tell she hasn't changed a bit, but the fans and being on the road surely takes her mind of things.

I hope I can help her all I can. I surely try to. I hope she's trying hard too, for herself. I love her and I always will.

Patrick Stump One Shots (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt