Ativan Halen

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(A/N: as you probably know, Fall Out Bot wrote Ativan Halen (seven minutes in heaven). For the sake of the story, pretend Fall Out Boy doesn't exsist )

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There she was.

She was a cutie; an absolute doll. My neighbor of a few months now. She moved in (by herself) to the small house (for rent, at the time) next to mine.
She would occasionally wave at me, and I would smile and wave back. I wanted nothing more than to talk to her.

I had pondered many, many times wether or not to ask for a cup of sugar (or something else cliché) because she seemed like the girl that would appreciate lame excuses for small talk.

I watched her fly down the street. She gave a long push with her foot and propelled her longboard further down the street, and with her earbuds blaring 'Ativan Halen', she did not hear the black SUV screeching to a halt as it slammed into her body, nearly snapping her.

Her iPod shattered, glass everywhere. The loud thud of her body slamming into the hood of a car and flying backwards, only to have her gorgeous face be met with gravel was absolutely, downright sickening.

I didn't even know her name.

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"Mr. Stump?" A small receptionist girl called. I stood up.

"Y/N says you 'might be her neighbor,' and that she 'thinks you're cute'. Oops, I don't think I was supposed to say that... Anyways, you can visit her if you'd like."

The nice girl buzzed me in through the white doors and I weaved my way through the nice ladies in labor and the elders on breathing tubes to her room.

Her usually olive skin was ill and pale. She had dark circles around her eyes and she looked dizzy as hell.

A middle aged man was 1/2 yelling at, 1/2 apologizing to her.

"I can't believe you had those damned wires in your ear! You could've been killed! Hell, I-I'm sorry, ma'am. I know I hit you, and it was partly my fault..." He, frazzled, stepped out of the room.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sympathetically smiled at her.

"Hey," I said.
"Hey," she said.

It went on like that. A peaceful, yet waiting silence. I wanted to say something, she wanted to say something, - but the thing was, we didn't even know each others names yet.

"I'm Patrick. I see you out sometimes, watering your flowers next to the bench in your grass. You have a very nice yard."

She gave a light chuckle, grimacing at the pain that I could virtually see pulse throughout her body.

"Thank you, Patrick. I'm Y/N. Sorry we had to meet like this. I've been planning on talking to you," her voice trailed off.

I put up my hand to dismiss the apology. "No, really, this is fine. I'm glad I can finally get to know you, I-I mean, if that's alright."

She chuckled again, grimacing for the second time. "You could've just asked for a cup of sugar or something.

I laughed at her joke, remembering the thought I had had just that morning.

"You're cute, even when you're a little beat-up."

She smiled and looked out the small window of that hospital room.

"Shitty weather is not shitty, if you think about it."

Her eyes glittered as she peered into the blank sky, small raindrops falling down and drizzling across the bulletproof glass.

She had a stack of books next to her hospital bed.

She noticed me looking over at them, and said, "My mother brought them here. They're my favorites."

I had remembered seeing her read them on her little bench one day. It was pouring rain, and she had a summer dress on. Her toes were stretched out in the dry grass beneath her and she had a cute look of concentration splashed across her face, along with the raindrops.

The pages were currently warped and turned brown from getting wet.

Maybe we could be a story book, I thought to myself, One worth reading.

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(A/N: Oops I just feel very writey right now and it's stormy and I LOVE THIS WEATHER YAY!

Anyways, I kind of wanted a chapter titled "Ativan Halen" to be more anxiety-based (Ativan is a brand name for Lorazepam ,a medication widely used for anxiety problems). Oops I just thought this was cute)

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