Short Author Fluff

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The interviewer smiled at me. "So, Patrick. How did you and Y/N meet? We're dying to know!"


I walked into the little bookstore, walking over to the small coffee shop near the doors.

I ordered a small hot coffee and sat at a the counter.

I looked out the window, spotting a tiny girl, no older than twenty, sitting at a table by herself.

She was staring blackly ahead, a laptop in front of her, notebooks and pens spewed out next to a small coffee cup.

She smiled and blinked, turning her attention back to her laptop, her fingers flying.

She's an author I thought to myself.

She scrunched up her nose and took a sip from her cup, adjusting her black frame glasses.


"I came back to that bookstore every day for a year, seeing her there at the same table each day." I smiled as the interviewer nodded along.

"In July this year, she wasn't at that table. She was at a table in the middle of the store, doing a book signing. The very first page read, 'Dedicated to the cute, tiny man that watches me at the bookstore café everyday'. The rest is history."

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