27 (Part 2)

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Part Two of 27

Warnings: Smut, mentions of drug use,



Patrick opened the back door of his car and carefully lifted you out of the seat. The rain had subsided and a cool breeze hung over the town like a bad omen.

He carried you into his spare bedroom and set you on the bed.

You stirred awake and rubbed your eyes, looking down at your hands to see scabs on your knuckles and mascara on your fingers.

"My God, I bet I look like shit." Your voice was raspy from the cigarettes. Your clothes wreaked of pot and dirt.

"Please, let me help you get cleaned up." Patrick stayed in the doorway, clearly afraid to come near you.

You playfully bit your teeth together, making a clacking noise. "Hey, I don't bite."

He frowned and looked down at your clothes.

"Yeah, yeah, come help me, big guy." You made 'grabby hands' in his direction. He walked over to you and helped you to the bathroom.

"Stay here for a minute. I'm going to run to the store, I promise I'll be back in under ten minutes." Patrick said, placing a lighter kiss on your forehead.

You watched as he started his car and drove off down the street.

You took a seat on the floor of the cold bathroom tile and slowly drifted off to sleep.

• • •

"OH MY GOD, (Y/N)?!"

You awoke to the sound of shouting and things dropping.

"What?! What?!" You said groggily, opening your eyes to be face-to-face with Patrick.

"Oh my God, I thought you were..." He went silent.

"Patrick, do you really think I would kill myself on your bathroom floor??"

He continued to not speak.

"Believe me, Patrick, I have a problem. Even though it's ruined my life, I'm still craving another high right now. I want to feel it rushing through my veins, but I don't want to hurt you. You're the last person I'd want to hurt. You're probably the only person I've tried not to."

You watched as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Heroin is my best girlfriend. She's always there to make me feel better, forget about my problems. She takes all the angry people and pushes them away for me so I don't have to. I guess the worst part is that nobody stands a chance with her. I love her, and nobody's even tried to replace her."

By now, Patrick was crying. He pulled you into a tight hug, knocking the two of you onto the floor.

"I will. I promise, I'll fight her until the day that I die. You're worth so much more, (Y/N). Please, let me in. I want to help you." He was practically sobbing into your hair.

"Dude, okay, dude, stop. I'll let you help, okay? It's fine, just please calm down." You tried to soothe him before realizing you couldn't remember how to comfort someone anymore.

Patrick handed you a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and a blue T-shirt, sniffling and wiping his eyes on his forearm.
"I'm sorry. It was the only thing I had that would fit you. I got some books at the store and a few movies."

You blushed and took the clothes, placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"You know, the best high I've ever almost gotten wasn't from Her. Your voice is my favorite drug. It's like your tongue is laced with Cocaine and your sweat is pure Ecstasy." You smiled up at him.

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