Rain Kiss (fluff)

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"And then he- oh okay."
You were in the middle of telling a story about you and Pete when you realized they weren't listening.

You were talking about the time you and Pete went to Disney World, telling the story to your best friend and him.

You and Pete weren't dating anymore, but he was clearly interested in your friend. Neither of them would listen to you, you usually looking up to see them wrestling each other or making faces.

You decided to walk away, looking back to realize neither of them had even noticed you had left.

Close to tears, you walked over to your neighbor's house.

He opened the door, lighting up when he saw you.
"Hey, Y/N! I thought you were with (y/f/n)..."

"I thought I was too. Turns out she just came over to see Pete."

He noticed that you were upset and gently pulled you into his house.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

The four of you used to be best friends (that is until you started dating Pete). The two of you had recently broken up, (y/f/n) clearly seeing the situation as an opportunity to flirt with Pete.

You shook your head. "I guess not. Maybe you could just hang out with me?" You blinked your eyes and smiles at him.

He laughed lightly. "Sure."

He opened the door for you. (Y/f/n) was kissing Pete.

Patrick saw that you were shocked at the situation. He hugged you tightly.

You knew you were over Pete, but you both wanted to just be friends again. Him and (y/f/n) ignoring you wasn't cool, and they both knew it (and besides, making out with your ex is totally against The Bro Code).

Patrick and you stepped into the rain. You felt the rain hit your face as he grabbed you by the waist and whispered into your ear.
"You know, I've always thought we would make a cute couple."

He lightly touched your face, kissing you softly as the rain continued to pour down.

You could hear Pete and (y/f/n) clap and cheer as you smiled against Patrick's lips.

"Awww!" (Y/f/n) shouted. Pete had a huge grin on his face, knowing you were happy. The two of you just hadn't worked out, and that was okay.

"You're so cute." Patrick giggled, his wet forehead against yours.

You blushed and took his hand, running down towards (y/f/n) and Pete.

"Oh my gosh! OTP!" Pete teased. You giggled and hugged (y/f/n).

The four of you all continued playing in the rain before going to get coffee, Patrick giving you his peacoat to warm you up.

* * *

(A/N: my friends are ignoring me/kind of doing this to me so this happened because you're hanging out while I'm writing by myself cool -_-)

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