Grand Theft Autumn (fluff?)

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A/N: This wasn't requested but I heard Grand Theft Autumn and I was in the write-y mood sooooo

**mentions of anorexia
(Y/BF/N) = Your boyfriend's name
(Y/F/N) = Your friend's name

(You might want to just make up a name for (y/bf/n) now and beforehand. I advise you don't use you're ACTUAL boyfriend's name -- due to the fact that (y/bf) is simply the bad guy and you probably don't want to distort that perfect image of your bæ ☺️☺️☺️)

* * *

You stood outside in the pouring rain, stood up again by your boyfriend.

You were outside of a small restaurant, waiting for your date to show. Of course, he wouldn't, as usual.

You attempted to clean yourself up, wiping away at your ran mascara with your fingers.

Just then, your night got worse.

Your 'sworn enemy' since high school strolled over to you in the rain.

"Y/N?" He said, shocked at first. A smirk was soon splashed onto his face. "Stood up again by your boyfriend, I see. You just can't leave home, can you? You're so weak."

You sighed. "Not now, Patrick."

He chuckled. "Aww, is someone upset?"

You tried to not start crying again. "Please, Patrick."

"What's the matter? Did your fuck boy stand you up?"

You felt your throat tighten and tears roll down your cheeks.

"Where is that boy, huh? Your boy. He didn't show up tonight, did he?"

You looked away from him, not wanting him to see you cry.

"I hope he's a gentleman. Tell me, Y/N, is he a gentleman?" He taunted you.

You had had it. "Oh my God, dude! Why are you so fucking mean to me, Patrick?! I never did anything to you! You've been an asshole since high school! Do you remember when you actually used to talk to me? We were in middle school and we were best friends. What happened to you?!"

Suddenly, his eyes softened and he looked sad.

He stepped forward and cupped your face, gently placing his lips against yours. His face was wet from the rain and it was cold against your skin.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I just.... Didn't know how to react." He mumbled, pulling away from you.

You couldn't say anything. You were completely taken aback. When he kissed you, you felt happy again. Like your boyfriend didn't even matter.

"You know, react to... Me liking you.... I never really noticed how gorgeous you were until high school." He paused and tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I have feelings for you. God, you're so beautiful."

You leaned closer to him, standing tall and placing your hands on his chest, this time you placing your lips on his.

He smiled against your lips. You leaned back onto your heels agains, pulling away.

"Sorry for being such a jerk to you for eight years." He scratched his neck nervously.

"Trust me, you're not a jerk compared to (y/bf/n). You didn't cop out on your one year anniversary, did you?" You smiled up at him.

He gave you a sympathetic smile.

He stood closer and leaned down to your ear, whispering, "He doesn't deserve you, you know."

Just then, your boyfriend ran towards you, nearly two hours late.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N! I totally forgot dinner, sorry!" He sounded so insincere, it made you sick.

"Really, (y/bf/n)? You're sorry for, what, the ninth time this month?!" You crossed your arms. Patrick had backed up towards the restaurant door, looking as if he didn't know you.

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a bitch I'd be a little eager to see you!" He snapped back.

"Really, (y/bf/n)? You stood me up and you're trying to take it out on me?" You glared at him.

"You know what? I don't need you. Take your fat little ass and get out of my life, alright?" He spat and walked away.

You stood there with your mouth open. You could feel yourself start to cry again. (Y/bf/n) knew exactly how to push your buttons. You had struggled with anorexia since the age of twelve and had recently recovered. He knew you had self-image issues and he tried his best to get under your skin.

You turned around to be enveloped in a hug. Patrick was there to comfort you, of all people.

"I'm so sorry." He stroked your hair as you cried into his chest.

"Hey, hey," he said, lightly touching your chin to make you look up at him. His eyes glittered as he spoke.

"Do you want to stay at my place? We can stay up and watch movies, I-if you'd like..." He trailed off.

You smiled, wiping away a tear and sniffling. "Sure. Thanks, Patrick."

Patrick drove you to (y/bf/n)'s house. Since you were planning to spend the night there, away from your apartment, all of your stuff was there. (I.e. Phone charger, pajamas -- sleepover stuff ☺️)

(Y/bf/n) was inside when you unlocked the door.

He was inside with another woman.

They were having a full-blown make out session that included some touching that made you sick to your stomach.

"Babe! I-" he stuttered. "Sorry about earlier, but-"

You cut him off. "No, (y/bf/n). No, I'm not your 'babe'."

He stood up and placed a hand on your arm forcefully.

"Yes you are." He shouted.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME." You growled, shoving him to the ground. "(Y/bf/n), I swear to God if you lay a hand on me again I'll have the cops at your door faster than you can apologize again for fucking this up."

You purposefully walked to where your small bag was, taking all of your things and leaving without saying another word to him.

Patrick was fumbling with his hands in the driver's seat.

"Are you okay, Patrick? You look a little nervous."

He looked up at you and blushed, nodding. "I was almost sure you wouldn't come back."

You looked out the window. "Turns out (y/bf/n) was cheating on me anyways. That explains why he always wreaks of perfume whenever I see him."

Patrick grabbed you by the arm and yanked you onto his lap, passionately kissing you.

You kissed back and smiled.

When you pulled away, you were both out of breath.

"I love you, Y/N. I have since freshman year."

You climbed off of him and back into the passenger seat, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"I love you too, Patrick. I had a pretty big crush on you since middle school. (Y/f/n) and I would always joke about how cute we thought you were."

Patrick was shocked to learn that you had liked him for so long.

He gave you a quick smile and backed the car out of the driveway.

The two of you spent the night watching scary movies, eating junk food and cuddling.

You'd always wanted a relationship like this, never the one like (y/bf/n) and you had. You were happy to be with your middle school crush and you knew that you two would stay together.

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